"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Bringing DC and its bureaucrat accumulation into the 21st century

We at thefundamentals have for decades been a private employee/employer until retirement took over.  Many American citizens have no pension from private employers – they have personally invested funds… IRA funds... and social security.  When well done, they meet the rising costs of most everything in the USA.  The private USA sector changes constantly.  We the people hopefully know DC is long overdue for evaluation and modernization of its 19th/20th century bureaucracies.

Freedom and democracy’s survival requires basic fundamentals… evaluation/change… and common sense.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

How can one American citizen factually assess #45/47’s status of America today?

In other words, not silicon alley’s (sp?) ai 🤖… or Joe B’sBull 🐂 sh__ 💩… NYC’s 5th Avenue ludicrous A-OK NOnSENSE… and endless advertisements for stuff the price of which is seldom mentioned!!

Folks… the words spoken by #47 were not exactly an objective analysis of likely mission certainty!  Or accurate fact sharing re: the situation; its likelihood of accomplishment, timing; its ups and downs!

Are we loaded with challenges aplenty? Many of which we can’t assess… factually?

I dunno…


Monday, January 20, 2025

I googled... media out of touch with citizenry... here’s what I got…


·       https://news.gallup.com/poll/651977/americans-trust-media-remains-trend-low.aspx

·       https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2024/03/warning-for-journalists-youre-more-ignorant-than-you-realize/

·       https://www.pulitzer.org/article/why-do-so-many-americans-distrust-media

·       https://abc3340.com/news/nation-world/is-the-mainstream-media-out-of-touch-with-the-american-people

·       https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/trend/archive/fall-2024/media-mistrust-has-been-growing-for-decades-does-it-matter

·       https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2024/0503/news-media-decline-polarization-distrust

·       https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/3936677-citizens-are-calling-out-but-nobody-in-the-news-industry-is-answering/

Why does my   www.thefundamentals.us   website venture into this land of mistrust modernity? My A… answer to that Q… question… we’ve been doin’ it for years!

A simple fact about media and history – it lies repeatedly in a changing world!

Our political/government/history failures… mistakes… stupidity… are rampant. Is media dependent on places controlled by materialism… Democraparty Neanderthals?

It ain’t paradise… it’s an NYC 5th Avenue B🐂 S 💩… pair a 🎲 dice 🎲 of ludicrous $$$’s obscenity!




Sunday, January 5, 2025

… TheFundamentals exist? Why does…

The basic reason has to do with materialism v. maternity and DOA – Debt  Obesity  Abortion!   This interview ⬇ in less than 30 minutes covers the American situation as well as I have ever seen/heard/witnessed.   Please view and share:


Folks… thefundamentals doesn’t hold a candle of reality, experience and the common sense that is embedded in this ⬆️ brief discussion!!


Thursday, December 19, 2024

America… how stupid are we? Are the DC DOA* problem creators gonna correct their problems?

Is the Democraparty the problem?   Well, several of its leader💩heads oughta be held accountable for some of the mess… huh?

Maybe a few baby’s is a lesson, nah?  Massive #’s of low IQ/obese employee/bureaucrat/lobbyists… 21st century *Debt/Obesity/Abortion politicians/judges/attorneys… piles of overpaid media kissin’ the buttocks of BO/BS – Barack/Bernie, Kamala/Joe from Kokomo…hill/bill… Q… question:  why aren’t all these overpaid nincomPOOPs pointing at the mirror on their wall?

This founding TJ fella knew today would occur:  https://tjrs.monticello.org/letter/100

Who’s the problem?   History might say… me and thee!!!!