Occasionally we strive to write short essays for one simple
reason – we like reading essays from others that simply describe and present a
worthwhile issue or “fundamental” – something perhaps not worthy of the two
title words above.
It is following this thinking that we offer the following –
“NBC's Matt Lauer
Allegedly Dropped His Pants in Front of a Female Employee: Report”
The source of the above is – https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nbc-apos-matt-lauer-allegedly-223713314.html and the author/writer/whomever is – Tom
Huddleston Jr.
To both (source/author) we simply say – who cares? Perhaps even more pertinent – who on earth
with any form of a “real” or a “good” life would piddle away even a minute
watching much less working with/for/around this outfit or their nincompoop(s) whom we pay if and when we buy the advertised goods and services?