"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Day… a few home runs

Pls read:

·         https://www.wsj.com/articles/home-america-thanksgiving-reagan-family-immigration-irish-catholic-church-new-york-brooklyn-meaning-11669247542?mod=opinion_lead_pos8

·         Available soon at: https://peggynoonan.com/

o   She mentions a ‘Team Normie” in the 11/17/2022 offering… let’s hope we… us “nearly normal normies” wake up ASAP

·         Her 10/21/2022 offering about Russia and its repetitiveness of failed Homo sapiens Neanderthalic NOnSENSE… continues

·         A comment on this good American Day… JFK gave all for America on 11/22/1963 – his older brother Joseph (1915 – 1944) gave all for America – as did his younger brother Robert (1925 – 1968)

·         America + materialism ain’t even a single… it’s a smelly foul ball

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Folks… materialism ain’t the answer… read on if you dare…

TheFundamentals is not a threat… it’s simple realism.   A factual reality offering of an alternative to history’s repetitiveness.   Simply worded we Homo sapiens come and go… we have short life spans… we seek all sorts of unneeded whatever’s and some needed things like food, housing, and… sit tight; don’t let the bedbugs bite… community and…

… individual responsibility!

That’s a fact Jack!

That’s it!   We the people simply must… for a while…

… do without… volunteer… lose weight… pay down DEBT!

Read Admiral Mullen’s words above ⬆️.


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

... bye… bye… dopey don (dd)….

… a message made profoundly obvious… it'll be ignored.   dd may not be a commie... socialist... or religion or gathering of queens… kings… and others fortunate to have been conceived and born in their nonproductive elevated outhouses that stink way down below ⬇️… butt dd sure ain’t da' answer to America's future…

… America is speeding on history's one-way highway that dead ends in a town called… SELF DESTRUCTION…


… materialism (DEBT) is irresponsibility… it dominates America...

... read the Admiral's words...⬆️

Saturday, November 5, 2022

America’s evolution – from a society meeting freedoms fundamental need… RESPONSIBILITY…

… to a materialism society; endless advertising of overpriced (costly) offerings… mostly unneeded goods/services coupled biannually with similar vote sellin’/buyin’ NOnSENSE!

How can one gettin’ old ornery fella… goof, factually state the consequence of the above NOnSENSE?

Let’s let one good American do it…

“Under Roe, unborn children were segregated into a caste of second-class citizens, devoid of the most basic human rights,” Mr. Pence said.

“I welcome any and all efforts to advance the cause of life in state capitals or in the nation’s capital,” Pence said.

And, a bit earlier… Pence responded to VP Harris’s comments saying “62 million unborn boys and girls ended in abortion” since Roe v. Wade was decided.

62 million little ones conceived… removed.   That’s a fact, Jack.

A few words that come to goof’s brain… materialism rules… responsibility… buy – buy…

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

TheFundamentals… no great wisdom… just a few facts… that matter

In ten (10) words above ⬆️ this gettin’ old ornery fella… goof… has simply summarized…

·         … the history of us Homo sapiens…

·         … the repetitive stupidity of materialism (i.e., us 2-legged Homo sapiens)…

·         … and our repetitive (ditto) history trips down the path…

… to H E double L on earth.

Once again, the Good Lord… or Mother Nature… or goof’s favorite (well maybe 2nd or 3rd)… common sense… come along and offer the chance (opportunity) for a few to get off their fat behinds and do what’s seldom our favorite choice… doin’ without.

That’s a fact, Jack!

So, goof’s gonna give responsibility one more opportunity (chance).  Will we American Homo sapiens… on or before Tuesday, November 8, 2022, one week from now… give responsibility a go?   My few fundamentals:

·      Materialism stinks… P U!   Doinwithout is the road to heaven… on earth

·      Volunteerin’ – no such thing as freedom without volunteerin’ and RESPONSIBILITY

·      Borrow occasionally as needed – pay back on time + interest!   Unrepaid DEBT… a no-no

·     This one's tough – kill the enemy before the enemy kills us – really tough

·     Education, kids, obey laws… yeah!   Work hard... repeat daily⬆️.    Appreciation required… nope !

·     Watch/follow/teach… The Magnificent Seven... One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest… and The Lone Ranger and Tonto

o   Can’t beat the above ⬆️… 1 – 7…One to Seven... + two…

o   … that’s about it folks!