"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolution

TheFundamentals would like to share its seven 2010 resolutions with you. We hope you will consider adopting and supporting some, if not all, of these resolutions. We will address these topics during our 2010 essay postings. We would like to express our appreciation to all who have commented, contributed, criticized and lauded our efforts in 2009. We appreciate this support. Thank you.

We hereby resolve to do the following in the New Year – 2010:

1. Be charitable to our neighbors who are in need and seek out opportunities to help them

2. Speak out on the fundamentals of good citizenship and personal and communal frugality and sacrifice

3. Support economic freedom for all Americans in the form of right to work laws; limits on taxation, rules and bureaucratic involvement in commerce; limits on lawyers and litigation opportunities for lawyers in commerce; reduction in government spending (15% per year for the next two years) and government employment (15% immediate; 10% more in 12 months) at all levels

4. Reduce America’s foreign involvements and encourage mutually beneficial policies of strategic partnerships

5. Promote education and learning opportunities regarding business economics, competition and wealth creation and encourage their adoption in government, education and health care reform

6. Support the following legislation and, where required, amendments to the US Constitution:

• Term Limits for Representatives and Senators
• Annual Balanced Budget and Mandatory Accounting/Disclosure Rules
• Curtailment of Federal Funds Flowing to States
• Loser pays and Limits on non economic damages in all federal litigation
• States and Personal Rights Enumerated including all education, health and welfare matters
• Debt Limits and Mandatory Repayment Rules
• Prohibition of Intra Federal Government Financing Transactions
• Repeal the Sixteenth Amendment
• Basic Privacy Rights of law abiding citizens over their financial, tax, health, image, DNA and credit records
• Restrictions on Special Interest Groups and Campaign Activities

7. Only support candidates for local, state and federal office who will introduce, vote for and work with other elected office holders to expedite the adoption of the above legislation and constitutional amendments. Remember the states must ratify US Constitution amendments and the more states that become wards (MI, IL, NY, MA, CA, etc.) of the federal government the more unlikely that such approval will occur

1 comment:

Patrick Flynn said...

If all the viewers of this blog put in as much time, talent, and effort as the Fundamentals into making America great again, America would be great again.

Are YOU doing your share? Likely, not. Here are little things you can do that can take very little time.

2.Everu day,tell somebidy 1/2 your age about what America stands for.
3.Email your representative, and tell them how to vote.
4.Read about American history, and the principles upon which it was founded, even if it's only 5 pages per day.
5.Use the Republican Party as a tool to elect citizen legislators.Better yet, become a candidate.

Do these things every day,and at the end of this new year, you'll be surprised at how much you've accomplished. Don't be surprised if your country is a better place, and you'll be better for it as well.