"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mrs. Clinton for President

TheFundamentals got a message very, very recently. The source of the message made it quite clear that Mrs. Clinton was getting very smug with the self embraced aura of someone who no longer had to be the only person on the planet who was now thinking 24/7, “I told you so.” Or, even more to the point, “How could you have been so stupid?” “I tried to tell you.” “I did my very best but, oh no, you wouldn’t listen.” “You fell in love with the nonsense of the message, the glamour (?) of the messenger and the image of the event.”

So, now what?

The party out of power (POOP) has a taint, an odor and its very own voters are not much inclined to return this gang to the dance. It will take the tea party (TheFundamentals calls them concerned citizens) gang a long time to get rid of all the imbedded POOP players. They don’t seem to want to up and quit. Do you really want to give the keys back to Boehner and Hatch and McConnell? We don’t think so. Sure, they get some balance back in congress in a few weeks but do you think they have learned a thing? Will they cut government back? Seriously cut it back? Take on the protected groups and the special interest groups? Will they stand up to SEIU and NEA and AFT and stop borrowing national funds to spend on local public employees? Can they? Not a chance. Could POOP get a non political leader who has the credentials, the experience and the moxie to start the process and is willing to take one for the team? And even then PIP will fight that person forever. Any likelihood of such a person being drafted by 2012? Very, very little. Any likelihood of the current list of POOP candidates being able to generate the spine; the experience; the credentials to be able to muster the following? Very, very little.

By 2012 this nation of ours will be clamoring for change and not the nonsense of the incumbent. There is only one expression that comes to mind when we watch him, think of him and project his future – Stick a fork in him; he’s done.

Why did Mrs. Clinton say that the debt level of the US is now a national security concern? Why did she say that the debt level of the US limits our options? Hmmnn. When the last time debt level was was not a concern? Who was that guy in the white house when debt was not a concern? When spending and receipts were almost in balance? Hmmnn. Is she thinking what we’re thinking?

Bu 2012 this nation of ours will be facing the consequences of being controlled by its debtor status. It can either print currency to keep up its fiscally promiscuous ways or it can face the music and start taking its medicine? Now who would want to be the leader to oversee those options and to make the choices of which ones to implement? Not a lot of fun, huh? Do you want Sarah Palin making those choices? Or Mitt Romney or Rudy Giuliani? John McCain would probably volunteer for the job? Maybe POOP can prop up Bob Dole and bring him back. Where will POOP look to find the person to do the job? The military? One of the successful generals who ran one of the many US adventures of the last two decades? Wall Street? One of their heroes? Meg Whitman? Carly Fiorina? POOP can’t run Ahnold but we’re sure he’d do it. Some track record, huh? Perhaps one of their new kids? One of the wannabee politicians who is making noises about cutting back; taking back the country; limiting government? C’mon, it’s fun to think about and its fun to hope and wish for but it’s not going to happen.

Usually when you make a mistake, you correct the error and then go back to one of the alternatives that you didn’t choose when you made the mistake. And guess what folks? The corrective measures are not all that difficult. As a matter of fact, in business, when one takes over a failing concern, there are so many early on steps that can be taken to build the confidence that permits the next more difficult level of steps that this first group of steps has its own designation – low hanging fruit. Mrs. Clinton knows about low hanging fruit. Her boss has nary a clue

Which brings us back to the title caption?

There’s one election coming up between now and when she needs to decide. Will she decide? What will hubby say? The media is already picking up on it and she gets to be so smug that you almost want to like her. She was left at the altar just months ago and now the bridal party is back asking her to put the dress on again. They are already talking to her. Will she? Wont she? Wouldn’t we all like to be in her position? You can be brutally honest and wonderfully informed as you discuss the issues, the problems, the choices. The entire focus is on the kid and the kid doesn’t have a clue. He is rolling out the same speeches and it works with his dedicated base who are basically the recipients of his Robin Hood ways - I am the way; the others are not the way. Follow me. We are looking out for you. We can spend so that you can spend. We are putting money in your pockets, creating and saving jobs and we are not going to give a cent to those who have. We are going to raise their taxes and we are going to make life better for you. Spread it around; take from the rich; free health care; jobs; don’t worry; we have money for you; just tell ‘em you’re unemployed. Tell ‘em you’re looking. Endless money. Don’t worry about jobs. 40% or so get the goods so he can’t fall much lower than 40% in the polls.

Just watch her. She has every right to enjoy this time.

But here are the questions she has to answer? Do I really want to clean up Bush and Barack’s mess? Do I want to deal with the deficits and the debt? How much low hanging fruit is out there? Do I want to fight with the other party? Do I want to deal with China? Iran? The never ending Middle East mess? Can I succeed? Could I fail? Is it best to just sit back and enjoy this time? They had their chance and they chose the kid.

It really comes down to her. What will be the determining factors? The megalomaniacal dreams of my husband? My own? The practical reality of the messes at hand? My time in history?

She’s enjoying it now. She should. It’s not going to get much better than this.

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