Lying to the government. If you are either arrogant or stupid enough to answer any question posed to you by any defined authority figure without the benefit of legal counsel, you may be able to answer this question, “What form of law abiding, citizen responsive legal system would establish the principle that the authority figure can lie to the citizen without any consequence but an otherwise innocent citizen can be punished for lying to an authority figure?” A monarchy perhaps? A dictatorship for sure. Some form of communist tyranny? The premise of the question is simple. If the citizen is not guilty of any crime, then how can they become guilty of a crime by simply not either responding adequately or accurately to an authority figure who is not similarly disciplined? By the way, this issue is not just the arrogance of gun toting bureaucrats. The 22 million other government employees without guns are not regularly reminded that they work for the taxpayer. Their unions sure don't perform this task. How can we remind them? Regular reductions in force would be a good start.
Fiscal responsibility. It seems only reasonable that a person who conducts their private financial affairs with sensibility and frugality should be able to not have a third party or presence deny them the same form of conduct with respect to the activities of the state or any form of government that can lay a claim on that individual. You could argue that there would be extenuating circumstances that would be exceptions to that rule. For example, if a community is under invasion from without and they enter into a defensive compact, logic and reason would suggest that the cost of that defense should be borne by all, regardless of personal inclination. Alas, we now have now started down the slippery slope. Soon, the process by which this communal obligation is distributed can now be distorted to other activities based on decisions for reasons that may not be as compelling as common defense. If you’ve read this far, you now understand the reason for the 18 enumerated powers to the national congress in the US Constitution. Repelling invasions happens to be one of them. These constitution drafting fellows were pretty darn smart. Let's get back to EIGHTEEN. EIGHTEEN IS ENOUGH!
Privacy. The right to be left alone. As defined by the party that wishes to be left alone. Let us remember that a defined fundamental is that we are not all alike. We do not think alike; worship alike; dress alike; behave similarly or seek similar objectives in the choices we make. Notwithstanding the power of Madison Avenue to define us quite homogeneously, it is just the case that many of us do hear different drum beats and many of us do choose very different paths. Even Madison Avenue acknowledges these unique characteristics by going after segments of the consuming audience with so-called targeted messages. So, the question is, “Must you conform?” In 60+ years of observation and many firsthand experiences that answer is quite simply, “YES.” The undisciplined power of the government has stripped away the simple need for knowing and being oneself. George Orwell saw it coming. As did Henry Thoreau. The founding fathers were not just telling George III and his minions to back off and withdraw their arbitrary impositions; they were saying we can take care of ourselves, thank you very much. Butt out. We don’t need you and we don’t want you.
So, TheFundamentals is quite certain that you, our readers and supporters, can add to these few examples of unnecessary contradiction between human fundamentals and the practices of today’s authorities. The change most people seek is not more of their external involvement and more of their definitions and futile excursions with other people’s money. It is simply the opposite. Go away. You have become an unwelcome and nonproductive factor in our existence. Regardless of your tactics and your constant fear based messaging we would prefer to proceed without your presence. It does not escape any of us that the money flow to all these forms of intrusion – unreasonable rules, indiscriminate and promiscuous spending and warring and constant requirements in private matters can be mitigated with the simple elimination of funding. Without the funds, they just go away. There is no greater or effective weapon to correct the mess that we are in than the simple elimination of funding. This is our message to you who get to determine the future of this country of ours. If you wish change, you must insist on the elimination of funding of the intrusions defined above. That is our message to you. Unless you convey it by using this criterion in selecting your representatives at all levels of government on November 2, 2010, there will be no change.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
America is greatly in need of “new Guards for their future security.” The old Guards have lost their way. They are no longer fulfilling the role of securing the unalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator including Life, Liberty, Privacy, Fiscal Responsibility, the Pursuit of Happiness and no lying government agents. So it is. It is now up to us to "institute new Government." It is our right and our duty. It is the calling of our time.
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