"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


You frequently refer to the bad policies and practices of the last administration.  You act as if one man and his party are responsible for all the ills of the world and all the economic tribulations facing America.  Is this just your inexperience speaking or are you truly that ignorant a man?

Your predecessor did make some mistakes.  No doubt about that.  But he did not make these mistakes on his own.  He had both parties in congress as full accomplices.  He had the worst; well, considering the performance of Bernanke, perhaps, the second worst federal reserve chairman ever doing exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time.  And he did some of the same foolish things you have multiplied – giving away free things when the government was already giving away too much for which it had inadequate revenue sources.

Yet today, and for the first three years of your time in office, you have given away more than any American president ever and what is now your single greatest failing, you have created a level of debt in that brief period of time that is unparalleled in the history of the world.

Here are the facts Mr. president.  We remind you because you never mention these facts:

Debt on the day I, Barack H. Obama II, took office:  $10.6 trillion (1/20/2009)

Debt today after I, Barack H. Obama II, have been in office 1,133 days:  $15.4 trillion

Average daily debt increase while I, Barack H. Obama II have been in office:  $4.2 billion per day!!!!   (Mr. Obama, in order to increase the debt of the United States by $4.8 trillion in just 1,133 days you have had to borrow over FOUR BILLION DOLLARS EVERY DAY YOU HAVE BEEN IN OFFICE.  PLEASE MENTION THIS SIMPLE FACT EVERY TIME YOU CAMPAIGN.  IF NOT, THEFUNDAMENTALS WILL BE GLAD TO DO SO.)

Average debt placed on each private sector working American taxpayer during my, Barack H. Obama II, term:   ($4.8 trillion divided by number of private industry workers as of Jan 2012 – 110 million per http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t08.htm ) means you, Mr. President, have placed a debt on each private sector working American taxpayer of $43,636, and yet, you never mention that fact.  Why is that?  On top of all the taxes they must pay you have loaded them with over 43 thousand dollars of debt that will be with them and their working children for the rest of their lives.

If you are so weak a leader and so under schooled in matters of financial and personal responsibility that you do not grasp the significance of this issue then you are actually less responsible than your predecessor.  You are now a bedfellow of his sidekick, the irresponsible Richard Cheney.  You need to know yourself before blaming and criticizing others.  Your track record is much worse than that of either of your two most recent predecessors.  And, no, it is no congresses fault alone.  You could have vetoed every bill that created entitlements and spending for which there was no funding.  There is no such thing as free; there is no such thing as a bottomless well of entitlement and benefit for health care and education and governance – needed or unneeded.  All things in moderation Mr. President.  Have you ever even heard of, much less embraced, moderation?   It is a fundamental.

We will remind each American taxpayer of the debt placed on him/her during your time in office again this summer (around June 30) and again a few days before Election Day (around October 31.)  There is no good reason for any private sector working taxpayer to vote for you.

On November 6, 2012, the private sector employed taxpayers, who are people who work and are people who have their own growing, costly obligations to meet and who are without the ability to secure free food or free housing or free education or freedom from taxes levied on them in ways seen and unseen by hundreds of different taxing authorities across the land, will have a brief opportunity to speak.  They are now burdened by you and your congress and your Fed chairman and your ilk in the 50 states and countless city/county/state/education tax systems with a burden they cannot afford.  And you and congress and Bernanke have further placed unconscionable debt on them because of misguided policies motivated by fear and leadership weakness.

So, we repeat our title question as you run around the country and speak empty words of promise and illusory accomplishment, “WHAT ABOUT THE DEBT MR. PRESIDENT?”

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