"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Shake down the thunder from the sky...
“Notre Dame files religious
liberty lawsuit related to HHS mandate”
click on arrow at right and enjoy this stirring victory march as you read the post --
click on arrow at right and enjoy this stirring victory march as you read the post --
…we will
fight in every game…
“The University
of Notre Dame filed a lawsuit Monday (May 21) challenging the constitutionality
of a federal regulation that requires religious organizations to provide, pay
for, and/or facilitate insurance coverage for services that violate the
teachings of the Catholic Church.”
…wake up the echos cheering her name…
“Filed in the
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana, the lawsuit names as
defendants Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Labor
Secretary Hilda Solis, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and their
respective departments.”
…what though the odds be great or small…
“The federal
mandate requires Notre Dame and similar religious organizations to provide in
their insurance plans abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives and sterilization
procedures, which are contrary to Catholic teaching. It also authorizes the
government to determine which organizations are sufficiently “religious” to
warrant an exemption from the requirement.”
…shake down the thunder from the sky…
“Notre Dame’s
lawsuit charges that these components of the regulation are a violation of the
religious liberties guaranteed by the First Amendment, the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act and other federal laws.”
…send the volley
cheer on high…
“This filing is
about the freedom of a religious organization to live its mission, and its
significance goes well beyond any debate about contraceptives,” Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., Notre Dame’s
president, wrote in a message to members of the campus community. “For if we
concede that the government can decide which religious organizations are sufficiently
religious to be awarded the freedom to follow the principles that define their
mission, then we have begun to walk down a path that ultimately leads to the
undermining of those institutions."
…while her loyal
sons are marching…
“Notre Dame’s lawsuit was one of 12 filed
Monday against the federal government by 43 plaintiffs challenging the
constitutionality of the regulation.”
…onward to victory.
Sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9xsdQh757g
and http://newsinfo.nd.edu/news/30962-notre-dame-files-religious-liberty-lawsuit-related-to-hhs-mandate/
Also see: TheFundamentals: http://thefundamentalsus.blogspot.com/2009/05/teachable-moment.html
and http://thefundamentalsus.blogspot.com/2012/02/anatomy-of-bureaucratic-movement.html
Monday, May 21, 2012
A Woman Comments on Mr. Obama
Many of you have seen Campbell Brown on news shows,
reporting and offering commentaries on current and political matters. She is thoughtful and, like most Americans,
has the ability to listen to both sides of an issue and reach an independent
conclusion. She also has what we call, “fundamentals,”
which is our convenient way of saying certain values that assist in her
conclusion forming process.
Please read her recent comments on Mr. Obama here: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/20/opinion/sunday/obama-condescending-to-women.html?_r=3&smid=tw-share You can conclude for yourself if you agree
with her or not. But we would like to
use the occasion of her comments in a major Hollywood media newspaper by asking
you to spend a few minutes on one item referenced in her essay – Mr. Obama’s
Web Ad, “The Life of Julia” which can be seen by going here:
We were directed to “The Life of Julia” two or three weeks
ago and found it just plain “creepy.” Frankly,
it was in direct violation of the basic parental guidance of teaching youngsters
about “stranger danger.” It is also a
very telling but uncomfortable insight into the thinking of both Mr. Obama and
the people surrounding him and their predictable view of American women who
they obviously think will vote for them as long as they have something to give
to them. They believe they are the “candy
man.” And they have something good to
offer American girls/teenagers/women at every milestone in their lives. Here is how they describe the goodies –
3 years old – head start program
17 years old – high school run under Obama’s
“race to the top program
18 years old – college under Obama’s “American
opportunity tax credit” program and receives a Pell grant
22 years old – first surgery, paid for because
of Obamacare which lets “Julia” stay on her
parents health insurance until age 26
23 years old – first job protected by the Lilly
Ledbetter Fair Pay Act – signed by Obama
25 years old – student loans are affordable because
Obama kept her payments and interest rate low
27 years old – free birth control
31 years old – first child is now due, thanks to
Obama. All free.
37 years old – child/grandchild gets to go to
good schools because Obama provided them
42 years old – child/grandchild wants to start a
business and who is there to help?
Obama, of course, with his small business loans and his tax cuts
65 years old – ready to retire; gets Medicare
and all the drugs she wants. Free, of course, from Obama
67 years old -
Obama’s social security payments awaiting her
Campbell Brown calls this a “silly and embarrassing caricature
based on the assumption that women look to government at every meaningful phase
of their lives for help.”
We call it what it is – a fellow at the end of the street,
waiting in the car with the window down; waiting for your child to walk by and
offer her some candy and, maybe, a ride to school or to the zoo or the park.
We call it sick.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Bernanke's Inconvenient Truth
Bernanke to congress – February 2012: “…inflation will remain subdued.”
Source: BLS
Now mind you, no one should interpret the following
observation as any endorsement of America’s desperately hypocritical laws
making lying to a government employee a crime; a serious crime; a felony, but
given the contrast between Ben’s remarks, probably not sworn, and the impact on
us regular folk and Roger Clemens remarks to congress about steroid use – the ridiculous
indictment of the latter for lying and the ridiculous ignorance of the former who
is draining the savings accounts of America’s responsible middle class and
seniors, TheFundamentals would suggest that the wrong person has been indicted.
Ben, you are either incredibly ignorant or you are a
prevaricator worthy of 1st degree recognition, a title currently held by Bill Clinton and John Edwards. Of course you may consider that good
company. In either case, you deserve
what used to be called “the bums rush.”
Roger Clemens needs to be found not guilty and the law under
which he has been indicted needs to be tossed in the gutter in which we can
only hope Ben is resting comfortably come this November.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The Know - It - Alls
The theme of today’s essay is – best to stay away
from know-it-alls.
The sub theme of today’s essay is – if a company that is in
the business of taking and managing risks makes a whole lot of money in a year,
say almost 20 billion dollars, and then it announces that it lost 2 billion
dollars, give or take, on a bet it says was not well thought out, should the
chattering class (Know – it – alls) use it as an example of greedy business men
who need to be regulated?
Should we regulate anew every time a guy or gal or business
take a risk and lose and someone comes along after the fact that never does
anything but always has an opinion on what everyone else is doing? What
should we do when Monday morning quarterbacks with a megaphone or a microphone
or a well paid government job chime in with their after the fact analysis?
This mentality of after the fact wisdom coming from never do’s
is now a substitute for being in the arena doing the deed. We now substitute after the fact analysis,
opinion and political speech as a viable alternative for doing something. Tens of thousands make their living
commenting on what people who do something do.
After they've done it.
Think about it. A
congressman, senator or bureaucrat, never a day in a real life job or a real life risk
taking situation or actually putting their own money on the line; a union boss or a
union member never once risking their money or taking a chance on their idea
and gathering up investment funds from the family; the neighbors; the bank; you
name it – are telling the ones in the arena how do something or how not to do
something. And, when they tell you, it
ends up becoming the law of the land and it costs the taxpayers a lot of their money.
They don’t just chatter; they legislate or get the bureaucrats and the
legislators they own to pass the laws and the rules.
The commentary about this two or three billion dollar loss
by a bank that is government insured is now so distorted and disconnected from
facts and figures as to be hysterical nonsense. This same government spends hundreds of billions each year with no accountability; wastes tens of billions each year on its security and war activities and "invests" billions in its green energy activities with no public disclosure.
10 years after September 11, 2001, America is 16 trillion
dollars in debt; worshiping a warrior mentality that feeds the military/industrial complex while still leaving America and
its “allies” vulnerable enough to whatever our ill defined enemies have in
store for us as to require naked visionary screening at airports and drones
flying over North Dakota to keep the homeland safe.
America was founded as a nation of laws; not Know – it – alls. Actually a fairly simple, straight forward
law. Keep government limited – leave the
states autonomous and, most importantly of all – put the citizens in charge;
no Know – it – alls. It is now reversed
and the government chattering class runs everything which means the people who
are always right on Monday morning, rule.
And the people who do things and make things including mistakes are
always subject to a smarter person advising them after the fact and rewriting
the rules of the game(s).
Win – win – win. Just
listen to the smart guys/gals – you cannot get away from them. If they were doing it they would always win;
always be right; never make a mistake.
That is the definition of a politician, certain lawyers, all bureaucrats,
Hollywood media types and most candidates for office. They are always right. Never do anything but they know best. How can you make a mistake if all you do is
comment on what others do? After it’s
done? Go here to read one of America’s
all-time Know – it – alls yap about the bank mentioned above: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/14/opinion/krugman-why-we-regulate.html?_r=1&ref=global-home
or, in the sake of gender equity, go
here to read about his female persona: http://www.boston.com/Boston/politicalintelligence/2012/05/elizabeth-warren-seeks-ouster-top-jpmorgan-official/011TJhknlkRd2eZVbRSqtN/story.html
Could it be that the Know – it – all gang is not all that
they promote themselves to be? Perhaps
it is time to regulate them. Out of
existence. But how could we do that? Actually
wouldn’t take much at all, just:
Term limits
Balance the budget
Annual professional audits – reporting,
accountable and liable to the people only – no one else; of every dollar taken
in or spent or committed to be spent by any government anywhere in the country.
(By the way, private companies already do this.)
Break up the Hollywood media gang (big source of
the chatter)
America needs a new cabinet office – Department of Know – it
– all. No pay; no benefits; no pensions;
no office space; just titles. Every time
a Know – it – all speaks they get assigned to the department as a confirmed
Know – it – all. Second time they get
promoted – Senior Know – it – all and, third time, final promotion: Ambassador
of all Know – it – alls. TheFundamentals
nominates Paul Krugman, number one ambassador of the Know – it – alls! Elizabeth Warren qualifies for Sr. Know – it –
all; well on her way to ambassador status. These Know - it - alls love recognition.
You know, it's a funny thing. TheFundamentals can Monday morning quarterback with the best of 'em. Only one difference. We don't do it with other people's money - we risk our own. We accept any rewards that follow and we don't complain about losses that may occur. It's called life.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Where are the Moderate Democrats?
Are they all leftist, liberal, crazed ideologues who can
only imagine an utopia built on borrowed money, sodomy and mythological dreams
of their fathers, grandmas, unborn children and whomever the Hollywood media
decides should receive the fleeting focus of self indulgent, massively rich but
desperately undisciplined, heroes.
TheFundamentals watched in shame and disgust as Bush II and Greenspan and Cheney made a ruin out of financial soundness and tempered foreign involvements. And, while those foolish men did their damage, many of their party acted much as Democrats do today – they go along; they vote for the damage; they do not challenge or speak up. Only after they were tossed out of power did they find their values and their voices. It’s too late then.
Where are the moderate Democrats? Is there no such thing anymore?
Have they all sold out for the Bernanke promise of devalued
currency and “what me worry?” nonchalance of a fiscally irresponsible majority
in the senate; until recently a large fiscally irresponsible majority in the
house of representatives and the most fiscally irresponsible president of the United
States of America, ever? Obama has added
more debt to the United States in a little over three years than the foolish
Bush II did in eight years!!! That’s a
Where are the moderate Democrats?
Do they not exist? Is
every Democrat a spend, borrow and then spend more because we can still borrow
more undisciplined fop? Do they really
think you can build a future society based on borrowed money, sodomy as a substitute
for marriage and family and free birth control/abortions/sterilization under
the sham of women’s health care?
Is this the ideology of every Democrat in the senate and the
Is there no Democrat left who values living within their
means, doing without, sacrificing, cutting back, and just plain leaving
citizens on their own to deal with some of their health, education and societal
America now totals over 300 million citizens. This is not Greece or Germany or Italy or Spain
or Ireland or even the United Kingdom.
We are a massive country with an out of control political class
supported by a dominant, all-controlling bureaucracy which gets it way
everywhere – locally, at the state level and the federal level. We are not a constitutional democracy
anymore. America has devolved into a
bureaucratic monstrosity. The people
don’t control anything; the bureaucracies run everything, including the silly
politicians who establish them and grant their every wish for more borrowed
funding. Is there no moderate Democrat
who recognizes what their party has done and where this distorted governance
TheFundamentals watched in shame and disgust as Bush II and Greenspan and Cheney made a ruin out of financial soundness and tempered foreign involvements. And, while those foolish men did their damage, many of their party acted much as Democrats do today – they go along; they vote for the damage; they do not challenge or speak up. Only after they were tossed out of power did they find their values and their voices. It’s too late then.
We have opened our doors and our boundaries and our airports
and our schools and our job market and our technological development laboratories
and our wallets to darn near anyone who wishes to partake. This openness has built the Democratic Party
into the majority party in the country. Is
there no self control that goes along with this largesse? Can no one who embraces this concept of deficit
spending and vote buying see that it is a fool’s errand? A trap?
A suicidal mission of destruction?
Is there no responsibility lesson that accompanies the Democrat vision
of endless power?
Where are the Democrats who will stand up to this craziness
and just say, “Stop.” “Enough.” “We cannot stay this course.”
Some are now rumbling that the Obamacare nonsense about
forcing Catholic organizations to offer free, mind you we are talking no
co-pay; no deductible; no nothing but just show up and get it for free (are
these fools really of the mind that things are free?) birth
control/sterilization/abortions and all the fancy new hybrid ways of preventing
a conception; may be a step too far? Are
you kidding? They think it may be a step
too far? Think of this situation. The majority party has abandoned all values;
all historical fundamentals and all sensibility that would normally produce
some discipline to rein in the foolishness.
There is no way America can survive when its majority party
is drunk at the helm and unconcerned about the course they are following. Even a majority needs a few teetotalers to
keep it on course.
This majority has nary a one. Well maybe they have one in Rhode Island - in
Gina Raimondo (see: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-10/gina-raimondo-math-convinces-rhode-island-of-america-s-prospects-with-debt.html
). Have they all embraced Obama’s dreams
from his papa? Do they think that the
church of Obama is the way “forward”? Where
are the moderate Democrats who will speak against the foolishness of their
majority and their leaders? America has
never experienced this level of sycophantic behavior.
Add in the Hollywood media and you are now sitting in the
back seat of Thelma and Louise’s car as it caroms over the cliff. Thank you Democrats. Thank you progressives. Thank you liberals. And most especially thank you moderate
Democrats. Your acquiescence has done
what neither Bush II nor Osama could - Mission Accomplished.
We hear that even Bill Clinton asks the same question. He points to his wife and says, “We need
you. The country needs you. Challenge Obama. Obama is an amateur.”
America desperately needs a few moderate Democrats – fast. Mrs. Clinton obviously decided to remain “loyal”
to her boss – too bad. Too bad for us;
too bad for the country.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
America's "Otherwise Engaged" Labor Force
Let’s start by looking at the facts about America’s labor
This chart shows that the population has risen steadily and
significantly over the last 22 years, going from 188 million to just over 243
million – 50+ million more Americans now eligible for the work force.
This chart shows that a fair number of those who could be in
the work force are otherwise engaged.
Specifically, those in the workforce in 1990 numbered 126 million and in
2012 numbered 154 million, an increase of only 28 million during the 22 year
period. This means, simply, that about
one-half of those who could be in the workforce were working or looking for
work. Which means about one-half were
otherwise engaged.
First, the BLS (bureau of labor statistics) suggests that
the US population from which the labor force is drawn is citizens over the age
of 16. Here is the chart of that
population group since 1990:
Next let’s look at the BLS numbers for those who are in the
workforce meaning those citizens who are either working or looking for work
(the rest are otherwise engaged.)

So, we can conclude that joining the labor force by either
working or looking for work is a declining activity in our country.
Now, let’s look at the numbers for these folk who could be
in the labor force, either working or looking for work, but are not, over this
22 year period:
Wow. A lot of people
are not much interested in working it seems. It is apparently in vogue to be “otherwise
engaged.” It’s even more interesting to
just look at the participation rate in the labor force (those who are working
or looking for work) as a percent of the total labor force over this 22 year
period. Here is that chart:
More folks are just not working anymore and, surprisingly, it is
not just an Obama phenomenon is it? The
rate of people getting into the labor force held pretty steady until 2001 – at
about 67%. It is now below 64% and was
dropping during most of Bush II’s term (we would ask our convenient Keynesian
friends to address this fact) and then really dropped under Obama. Is that what he means when he says hope? Hope you don’t have to work? Dreams of my father – hope you’re not
So, what can we conclude from these facts? Let’s ask some questions first:
Why would the labor force participation rate
decline even before the recession and the housing bubble bursting and the
financial system getting shaky?
Could it be that there is now something systemic
in our governance/entitlement/expectation system that gives citizens a way to
not work? An attitude or inclination to
not work? Enough goodies to get by
without working?
Could there be a correlation between deficits
and rising debt (we didn’t show these numbers today but, as you know, they have
skyrocketed during the period 2001 to present) and the inverse effect on labor
participation rate? The more deficits
and debt the fewer people who work or look for work?
Could there be a message in these numbers that
the stimulus and the bailouts and the programs of unemployment checks and
reductions in social security premium payments and all the rest of the goodies
government now offers (Keynesian economics, of course) actually prolong and
perhaps even encourage people to not work?
Or could it just be that we are so rich a
society at all levels that more and more citizens over the age of 16 just don’t
need to work? LBJ’s great society is
upon us? Maybe we all should quit
complaining? We made it? This is the great society.
We can reach two conclusions – regardless of whether you are
defined as left, middle or right or progressive or conservative or libertarian
or not really sure – we cannot raise enough revenue to pay our government bills
these days and that situation is not improving.
It’s worsening. Remember, you can
never get away from deficits = debt = destruction.
Two, we could also conclude that prior to 2001, things were
better. Now, they could have been better
for passing reasons – internet growth, technology expansion creating new
businesses and many new jobs; growing demand for US products overseas before
overseas manufacturers got in the game; no wars draining the treasury; and,
maybe a bit less of this idea that more government is good for all.
Perhaps the change that we really need is a Clinton in the
white house. Or one heck of a push to develop
new technologies which would mean a laissez faire (suspend all government
rules, laws and bureaucratic involvement) attitude toward new business
creations; cut back government spending to 2001 levels; get rid of the Bush tax
cuts and the Medicare drug program and quit with the ^%*$%# wars.
Oh, for the good old days!
And one more conclusion – a fact. If the labor force participation rate held at
67% (good old days of Bill Clinton) the unemployment rate today would be over 12%
which is a nice way of saying – don’t believe your government statistics –
they’ve been jiggered. America is
trending rapidly toward a non-working, “otherwise engaged” labor force.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Economists - The Dismal Scientists
The theme of today’s essay is – be careful to whom you trust
your economy. We will explain later.
That’s not bad, huh? 2.4 million at least; heck, maybe as many as 3.6 million and it only cost $772 Billion. So why are we writing about these dismal scientists, these Keynesian economists? Well, if they had only learned basic math in their studies they would have divided the 2.4 million jobs “estimate” into the $772 Billion spent or committed and calculated the cost per job at….drum roll please –
This essayist attended business school many, many years
ago. Back then, may still be the case
today, one needed to apply to business school.
Many applied; some were chosen. If
you applied and were not chosen, what did you do? Well, in our experience, those who were not
chosen stayed in the liberal arts college and studied “economics.”
Why study economics you may ask? Well, the sense back then was that you could
still try to get a job in business and pass yourself off as having studied a “business
related” curriculum. But if you were in
business school the word was out – economics was easier - not as disciplined;
theoretical - not as disciplined and rather out of touch with the case study
based curriculum in the business school.
So, what is with this case study based curriculum in the
business school? Well, Harvard had the original
franchise on it but places like the University of Michigan refined and improved
it. The idea with this teaching approach
was taking a set of real life facts and situations (the case) and studying the
case and analyzing the facts and situations to come up with proposals for
moving forward – solving the situation and, at the end of the exercise,
examining the student’s solutions with the actual resolution in the market place. In other words, testing theoretical solutions
with real solutions and applying measurement metrics against results.
This was deemed to be a vigorous and healthy disciplined
process. Not the undisciplined theoretical
nonsense of the economics department in the liberal arts schools.
So, what has this to do with the mess we are in?
Alan Greenspan –
B.S., M.A., Ph.D. Economics - New York University
Ben Bernanke –
B.A. Economics – Harvard; Ph.D. Economics – MIT
Peter Orszag –
A.B. Economics – Princeton; M.Sc., Ph.D. Economics – London School of
Larry Summers –
S.B. Economics – MIT; Ph.D. Economics – Harvard
Alan Krueger – Ph.D. Economics - Harvard
Timothy Geithner – A.B. Gov’t. Studies - Princeton; M.A. Int’l.
Economics – John Hopkins
Christina Romer – Ph.D. Economics – MIT
And, our favorite of all time -- Paul Krugman -- B.A. Economics - Yale; Ph.D. Economics - MIT. BTW, Paul supported John Edwards for President.
And, our favorite of all time -- Paul Krugman -- B.A. Economics - Yale; Ph.D. Economics - MIT. BTW, Paul supported John Edwards for President.
In July of last year, the white house council of economic
advisers issued a report on the success of the Obama recovery act (2009) which
cost the US taxpayers $666 Billion when the report was issued with another $106
Billion committed but not yet spent for a total of $772 Billion which looks
like this is dollars and cents:
The report said
the spending created at least 2.4 million jobs and maybe as many as 3.6 million
– “As of
the first quarter of 2011, the report estimates that the Recovery Act raised
employment by 2.4 to 3.6 million jobs relative to what it otherwise would have
been.” Source: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/cea_7th_arra_report.pdf
That’s not bad, huh? 2.4 million at least; heck, maybe as many as 3.6 million and it only cost $772 Billion. So why are we writing about these dismal scientists, these Keynesian economists? Well, if they had only learned basic math in their studies they would have divided the 2.4 million jobs “estimate” into the $772 Billion spent or committed and calculated the cost per job at….drum roll please –
$321,666.67 per job
You do the math if you think for a minute that their 3.6
million estimate is even worthy of calculation.
These well “educated” economists are only lacking three things:
Real life experience
Real life experience
Real life experience
Be careful to whom you trust your economy.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Mission Accomplished: Osama or Obama?
We have heard that Mr. Obama is running around reminding
voters that he put the bullet in Osama’s head a year ago so you should vote for
him this November. Sounds like cheap
political crap to this essayist but, as someone else pointed out, the guy has a
dearth of real accomplishment to point to so you use what you’ve got. However, that is not the focus of this essay.
Our focus is Osama’s objective and Obama’s objective and the
very strange alignment of the two objectives.
Here is an Osama observation made in 2004:
“All that we have to do is to send two mujahedeen to the furthest point
east to raise a piece of cloth on which is written al Qaeda, in order to make
generals race there to cause America to suffer human, economic and political
losses without their achieving anything of note other than some benefits for
their private corporations," bin Laden said.
Bin laden went on to say, “"We are continuing this policy in bleeding
America to the point of bankruptcy. Allah willing, and nothing is too great for
And this bin Laden historical observation, “"We, alongside the mujahedeen,
bled Russia for 10 years until it went bankrupt and was forced to withdraw in
In the article Osama estimates that the cost of the 9/11/2001 attacks was US$500,000
or one half of a million dollars. It is
safe to say that America has spent at least one trillion dollars fighting Osama
and his boys since then and that would suggest a ratio of about US$2,000,000
spent by America for every $1 spent by Osama and his gang. An astounding ratio of 2,000,000: 1.
Now, let us remind our readers again of the of the US debt on certain
9/11/2001 – $ 5.8 trillion (attack on World Trade Center)
5/1/2003 -- $ 6.5 trillion (Bush II speech “Mission Accomplished)
5/2/2011 – $14.3 trillion (Obama puts bullet in Osama’s
5/1/2012 – $15.6 trillion (Obama
crows about bullet in Osama’s head)
So, we pause before we say what should be obvious to even a casual
Osama stated his mission quite clearly as noted above. If you find even a passing causal
relationship between debt and bankruptcy, you would need to conclude that those
in charge of America’s borrowing/debt situation for the last 11 years are he**
bent on fulfilling Mr. Osama’s prediction.
We at TheFundamentals find ourselves almost speechless in writing this
observation but we darn well would suggest a rather rapid reconsideration of
the deficit spending/massive borrowing path bin Laden laid out for us and that
we are so willingly pursuing. Alas, we
have been so suggesting for some time now but the debt just gets bigger and
America’s leaders are fulfilling Osama’s mission on their own. Terrifying thought that the bad guys will
ultimately be able to unfurl Bush II’s banner from the 5/1/2003 USS Abraham
Lincoln speech and use it just as Osama predicted.
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