"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Thursday, September 20, 2012

If America had a real media...

…here are a few reports/stories they would follow –

1.    Chicago mayor spends lifetime catering and conceding to public employee unions and now finds himself at their mercy with an empty bank account.  He has agreed to make payments to a teachers union group for which he has no funds?  If we do that, it is called "fraud."

2.    Hillary travels to China.  Top guy stands her up.  State media suggests she “has brought extremely profound mistrust” to China – US relations and that she is disliked.  Others suggest that she fools with the Chinese at great peril to her country.  Coverage?  Slim to none.

3.    Obama says he saved American auto industry and saved millions of car jobs in many states.  News to Ford, Honda, BMW, Daimler-Benz, Nissan, Hyundai, Toyota and Kia.  Obama says GM top car producer in world now – news to Toyota.  GM requests that US sell remaining shares of stock it owns in GM – government says ‘no.”

4.    Obama says US of A could not have known about the turn of events in North Africa and the Middle East – all the turmoil is due to sophomoric video produced by nutcase – don’t blame us – its someone else’s fault.  Sound familiar?

5.    Obama blames Bush II for huge American debt build up over EIGHT years of his presidency.  Obama ignores even larger buildup of American debt over FOUR years of his presidency.  Media ignores the issue.

6.    Obama administration files unfair trade action against China claiming they are subsidizing their auto industry.  We kid you not.  This is completely true.  Obama announces this trade practice in Ohio during a campaign stop – where his gang recently raved about their claims in #3 above.  Ohio has several auto plants.  Transparency?  You bet – only not the variety Obama promised  during his last campaign in Ohio four years ago.

7.    Value of the US claim against China in #6 above – about $1 billion.  Amount that US of A still has "invested" in GM that has not been returned – about $15 billion.  We kid you not.  Old saying - don't bother with the speck in your neighbor's eye while ignoring the log in yours.  Wonder why the Chinese "mistrust" Hillary?

8.    As of today, North Africa and the Middle East are in great turmoil; China ridicules our trade and alliances positions and our missile shield movements; Russia ignores our efforts for cooperation on Iran and China/Korea/Japan are in the midst of growing border disputes.  Mexico is run by thugs spending money earned selling drugs to and financed by US of A.  Media claims Obama is top foreign relations president.  This media is pathetic.

9.    The Federal Reserve has accumulated trillions of dollars of US government bonds and mortgage backed securities – claiming it is doing it as a form of “quantitative easing.”  It has no legislative authorization to so act.  Could it not, at least, disclose what the effect would be on the US debt position if those bonds were sold in the open market?  Who would have purchased them and at what interest rate?

10. What is the true financial condition of the United States?  If a public company issues securities – stock or bonds, it must make financial statements public – have them independently audited – and its key officers must sign under penalty of perjury and other laws that the information is complete and accurate.  Why is there no similar obligation for America’s largest bond issuer – the federal government?  Signatures required, under penalty of law, from president, treasury secretary and fed chairman?  By the way, each American filing a federal tax return must sign a similar pledge. 

It took us about ten minutes to compile this list of 10 items that are either in the news this week or are on the minds of most thinking Americans.  What does it mean to our republic when these issues are not publicly examined?  Several things.  We don't know much about our debt and we don't have any information about the medium and long term effect of this level of debt.  We don't have examination of our foreign policy - we just keep doing what the administration and embedded bureaucracies deem is in their interest.  Trade policy is now political - as are bailouts and public employee unions.  Most of all we don't know much about our financial condition.  Our gut tells us it is bad - but those who are responsible are not held responsible so they can continue to make short term decisions that benefit their selfish positions to the detriment of our long term good.  Even though they demand accountability in the private sector.  It is not Wall Street and banks that are threatening our very national security - it is our debt.

The Hollywood media in America will not cover these stories or raise questions about these issues.  Why?  Because any exposure will cause a rapid decline in support for Mr. Obama and the Democrat candidates supported by the Hollywood media.  Just as Bernanke is doing his utmost to reelect Democrats and Obama - so too is the media; both are acting with extreme prejudice to the well being of the American republic.

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