"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Saudi Arabia Interests

If something of some import is going on in Europe who gets the attention?  Who is asked, “What are you going to do?”  Where do the media types gather to try and pin down a plan?  A strategy?

Well, it’s not Portugal or Greece, is it?  It’s Germany.  Everyone wants to know what Germany is going to do.

Say, it’s here, in our own hemisphere.  Something of some import is going on.  Everyone wants to know – what is America going to do?   Not Guatemala or Surinam or Haiti, huh?

There are several great spheres of interest and influence in the world today.  Most all are enjoying some form of conflict.  But that darn middle east seems to always be at the forefront.  Who calls the shots in the middle east?  Who is the big dog?  Who has the money – endless supplies of money?

The answer lies under the ground – Saudi Arabia has the oil and the money.  They also have a very precarious situation within and without their country.  It’s called – Islamic Fundamentalists (IF.)  Who was the greatest IF of our time?  A Saudi – Osama bin Laden.  What was one of Osama’s key agenda items?  Get control of Saudi Arabia and its oil/money.  What remains the key objective of the IF movement in the middle east?  Get control of Saudi Arabia and the oil/money.

Who does Saudi Arabia’s bidding in the west?  The former free world?  Well, a few years back it was GHWBush (the elder) and then WJClinton.  Next came GWBush.  Today it is BHObama.  No matter who you think you are – no matter how many lobbyists and bureaucrats and special interests bow down as you enter a room – even if the entire Hollywood media of the mighty American debt machine fawns upon your every word, you can always count on one thing for sure:  When the Saudi Arabian ambassador wants to see you – or talk to you – you take the call – you rearrange your schedule – you make yourself available. 

BHObama is doing the business of the Saudi’s in the middle east today.  The Saudi’s wish to stay in power.  They see what is happening all around them.  It is not good.  The IF’s want the oil/money in the Arabian peninsula and they figure time is on their side.  

Saudi money is flowing fast and steady to every place in the middle east that has someone willing to fight the jihadists – the IF’s.    America’s top commander, BHObama awaits his marching orders from the Saudi’s.  He may talk about wind power and solar power and electric cars but he knows that every time he boards that big fancy plane of his it doesn’t leave the ground unless its tanks are filled with kerosene.

Kerosene is distilled from crude oil which is plentiful, albeit costly, in the Arabian peninsula.  Distillation is a process by which crude oil is heated (in the case of kerosene, it is heated to between 150 and 275 C), and then the vapor created condenses and is collected – eureka, kerosene is attained – air force one flies.

Obama does what he does because he always asks, “What do the Saudis want?” because air force one flies better with fuel tanks filled with Saudi kerosene.  Even Barack learned the lessons of JCarter.  But Barack’s immediate predecessor rallied quite the coalition – 40+ countries when he did the Saudi’s biding.  Barack is struggling to get 3 or 4.  War weariness?  Or Barack weariness?  We don’t know.  We can’t figure out what is going on.

We know what the Saudi’s want.  We just don’t know if they have a clue these days how to go about getting it.  Or keeping it.  Perhaps al jazeera America will have an answer.

One more thing – history will look very unfavorably on Barack’s lack of interest in developing American carbon fuel independence.  Just one more area where Barack chooses politics, and Saudi interests, over what is best for all Americans.

1 comment:

NDDillon said...

You may want to include Qatar in your analysis. Qatar Al Jazerra, both the international and American version. They previously pumped substantial sums into Egypt to support the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt recently expelled journalists from Al Jazeera. It, like Saudi Arabia, is a substantially Sunni Muslim country, whose citizens practice Wahhabism. The Emir of Qatar appears to have a great interest in pushing Sunni Muslim positions and seems to have a strong desire to be a force in that region.