"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Thursday, October 10, 2013

John, hire a good propagandist, please

It is difficult, bordering on embarrassing, to watch Mr. Boehner speak to the press.  We know he is a good guy; we know he has a difficult task dealing with a man who cannot be trusted (BO) and we know he has some old fashioned values like living within ones means, balancing the budget and paying down debt; but, c’mon, he is dealing with a group of promiscuous vote buyers who could care less if the United States becomes France or Somalia.  John, you’ve got to bring better weaponry to this battle – too much is at stake for you to continue to apply your high ground approach.  You need to get in the gutter (for inspiration, see:  http://www.humanevents.com/2013/10/04/the-sadistic-strategy-of-obama-reid/ ) with your opponents and beat them with sticks, with stones, with garbage and with persevering vigor.  Yes, John, you need to find your own sleazeball, your own David Axelrod (DA).

Here are some tips on how to go about it:
First thing John, remember; always remember what BO and DA did to candidate Romney.  They lied, they made up stories, they characterized good guy Mitt as an uncaring, wealthy fellow who would do anything to line his pockets without regard for the consequences on the little guy.  Well, John, here is what those DA and BO have done in the last five years:
·       They send their kids to private schools while the little guy/gal gets to send her/his kids to union dominated schools that turn out kids who can’t read, can’t write, can’t spell, can’t speak and have no clue what an employer seeks in a new employee.  And those two never address the reality of the situation – all they do is throw more money after wasted money in order to keep buying teacher union votes.  Get your own DA and get that message out every day, between now and November 4, 2014.  Make it personal and don’t stop when they start whining about bringing their kids into the political arena.  Show some of the urban youth unemployment statistics, and while you are at it, interview some of the kids from those schools.
·       DA and his boss – BO, make a big deal out of how you and your majority in the house want to cut back on food stamps and kids lunches and first start and a thousand other government programs, all designed to do one thing, buy enough votes to keep them in power.  Here are the recent spending numbers:

o   2008 - $ 3.0 Trillion, Bush departs
o   2009 - 2012: every year $ 3.5 Trillion or more
o   2013 - $ 3.7 Trillion
o   Cutbacks?  Where are the cutbacks, John?  How about a simple ad, with these numbers, occasionally, between now and November 2014?  Point out, while you’re at it, that more would have been spent had it not been for your attempts to keep the spending down.

·       Debt.  The biggest, baddest, most explosive weapon of mass destruction, in your arsenal and you never use it.  Here are the debt levels under BO:

o   End of 2008 - $ 10.0 Trillion, Bush departs
o   End of 2009 - $ 11.9
o   End of 2010 - $ 13.5
o   End of 2011 - $ 14.8
o   End of 2012 - $ 16.4
o   End of 2013 - $ 17.5
o   These are BO’s numbers, they all come from his website:  www.whitehouse.gov
o   Create a simple add, we would suggest a debt clock up in the corner – constantly updating itself, and, playing in the background, BO himself, wailing about debt under his predecessor – saying its unpatriotic and burdening our children, etc.  John, this is a no brainer – just do it.

·       One more thing John, get a few trusted people – get someone like Admiral Mullen (why or why haven’t you asked him to occasionally repeat his message captured at the top of this page?) to explain in very simple terms why America must get its fiscal house in order and stop permitting the democrats to spend us into bankruptcy?  He nailed it with his observation about national security and debt.  We’ve never heard you repeat it.

·       One more thing.  John, read TheFundamentals.  We don’t care about political correctness – we sure don’t give two hoots about BO and DA – they’ve lined their pockets; they’re set for life.  What we care about is the US of A and those who don’t want to work for the government – who do wish to have security and safety from the freeloaders who sell their votes to the democrat party – be they public union freeloaders (John, how about an ad about Detroit and what the public employee unions did and still are doing there?) or just those who think someone owes them something for nothing.  You can use anything on our webpage, at anytime, without attribution – but you had better do it fast and persistently or we too will look around for someone who can and will.

·       John, you need some help.  Your party does not have a leader and it has almost no trusted public voices persistently speaking to real issues.   BO and DA control the media and they control the agenda and the issues.  So, when they want to deflect – they emphasize Syria – or gay marriage – maybe toss out some lies about immigration – whatever serves their purpose.   NBC/Comcast, CBS, PBS, ABC, etc. are all over it – they lap it up like puppies.   

You need help to counter their propaganda machine.  Take off the gloves and start punching.  When no one's looking, land a couple under the belt.  Don’t stop when they complain.  Run the ads in Spanish - with good actors, not some politicians.  There are a few other things you will need to do but this is a start – time to get going – time to hire some good help.  

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