"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Simple Reform Agenda for America

Education –

·         Vouchers (all federal money limited to parent choice/need based)
·         No tenure (if you take federal money)
·         Defined contribution retirement plans (if you take federal money)
·         Pay for performance (if you take federal money)
Lawyers, Litigation, Federal legal system –
·         Loser pays (all federal litigation)
·         Limit non economic damages (≤ $100,000.00)
·         Limit attorney contingent fees in federal litigation ( 12%)
·         Expand the Federal Torts Claim Act to agencies and bureaucrats
Federal government employees – 
·         No tenure – everyone is an “at will” employee
·         Defined contribution retirement plans only – all participate in social security
·         Cap on wages, benefits and pensions to private sector averages (require outside, independent audit)
Immigration –
·         Minimum education/skill requirements/English proficiency
·         25 year exclusion from all social, welfare, health care handouts (note: child education is excluded)
·         Any illegal immigrant must return to native land and then apply, get in line, meet above qualifications
·         Enforcement – put it out to private sector for monitoring, managing, one year renewable contract based on audited performance/measurement
Business and Jobs –
·         Exempt from all federal legislation employers with 500 employees
Budget/Debt (we save the best for last) –
·         Mandatory balanced budgets beginning with fiscal year October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016 (require independent outside audit report to federal income taxpayers)
·         Start paying down the debt – 10% added tax (proceeds limited to debt repayment) on anyone with Adjusted Gross Income of $1,000,000+ beginning January 1, 2015 (call it - Warren's Tax)
All the special interests who feed at the public treasury trough will go crazy.  And that is how responsible, common sense citizens will know these are the needed changes.  This is A Simple Reform Agenda worth adopting.  The House and Senate can pass it - let Mr. Obama veto it - make Hillary defend his veto.  Then we can have a real election; real issues; real clarity for voter choice.   Tinker with the specifics above to get these reforms passed - but quit allowing Obama to set the legislation agenda.  Read the constitution - it's your job congress to make and pass the laws, not his/hers.  He/she can only sign or veto.

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