"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Hollywood Government

TheFundamentals refers to America’s media as the Hollywood media because it is mostly make believe.  It ignores most issues of substance and simply rearranges the facts, conditions and circumstances via a screenwriter’s pen and then imagines the situation or scenario the way they would like it to be.  This is the way of Hollywood - make believe to sell tickets – to make money – to gain power via storytelling heavy on emotional pull.  And, it works.
People want to believe what is not true – rather than face that which is true.
This Hollywood media culture – this imaginary replacement of values, facts, fundamentals with propaganda coupled with journalism has embraced our….
….government.  Government is now mythology – make believe – a façade – a Hollywood set – screenwriters (government calls them speechwriters) and tax payer paid press secretaries (actually PR agents) with casts of thousands behind them spinning 'til their little imaginations run dry.   Government simply does not speak the truth.
So, few know that the highest number of working age Americans ever are not working.  They are collecting; but not contributing.  Don't tell anyone.
So, few know that the highest number of adult Americans ever are functionally illiterate – unable to read, write and speak the queen’s English which means they are destined to be either unemployable or only occupy entry level jobs permanently.
But don’t tell anyone.
So, few know that most large American counties and cities are insolvent.  Insolvency is a factual condition – liabilities exceed assets or inability to pay current obligations with current resources.   So what do they do?  They borrow and beg – they beg from a federal government that can print money and turn it over to the insolvent lesser municipal entities.  This is federal government enslavement – a direct violation of the constitution.
Few also know that it is not just cheap labor in China and Asia that draws American companies to manufacture products there and import them back to America.  It is taxes.  It is lawsuits.  Lawyers and judges deciding everything.  It is regulations that prevent factories, power plants, pipelines and refineries being built.  And it is an endless interference process from government bureaucracies and bureaucrats whose regulations are so time consuming that the business of business cannot be done.  So commerce departs.  Don’t tell anyone.
We do not see movies about such situations, do we?  We do not read lengthy articles about any of the above, do we?  What we do see and read are stories and movies about great accomplishments.  Heroes working for government.  War missions with spectacular bravery and commitment.  Lawyers fighting corporations – and winning.
Tomorrow we are going to take just one topic – look back at the last 50 or 60 years – and consider our American government’s Won – Loss record in its various wars – at home and overseas.
You will not find this report on any movie screen – in any politician’s campaign ad – in the state of the union message.  And very few will see/read it.   Don't tell anyone.

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