"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

American Government War Record – W’s v. L’s

Let’s start with America’s foreign wars since WWII victory – those of size and note.

The Korean conflict was played to a stalemate – our side, South Korea, has developed into a mini manufacturing colossus.  The other side, North Korea, has not developed except in one arena – it has a nuclear weapon, or two or three.  Vietnam was an outright loss – a defeat of monumental costs in lives, strategy and capability.  This loss dominates American weakness overseas to this day.  Read its history:  Halberstam's, The Best and Brightest.
American government overseas war efforts in the last 20 years are woeful.  Every campaign, in Asia, Middle East and Africa, has won a few battles but not a single lasting victory.  In many cases the wins were Pyrrhic – short lived, the war lost.  We now know even though we cannot admit it – we are not able to accomplish a permanent objective using our military anywhere outside of our hemisphere.  Our enemies know.
At home, however, the American government has had much greater success with its wars.  It is winning or has won every domestic war. 
The American government war on our middle class:
·         Won. The middle class has shrunk; those still in it are taking home much less pay; fewer benefits and little or no retirement security with one notable exception – government employees.  The US government has destroyed the private sector middle class to build the public employee union dominated middle class.
 American government war on native born children:
·         Winning.  This war is proceeding quite well thank you.  Native born children enter American citizenship with hundreds of thousands of dollars of federal government debt – and in many cases additional tens of thousands of dollars of local municipal and state debt.  This form of early indoctrination into the ways of the American government prepares them for additional college and university debt – all promoted by the federal government in the form of easy to secure loans and massively inflated tuition costs resulting from unnecessary federal government support for useless and antiquated college curricula.  This used to be called – indentured servitude.
War on business:
·         WON.  Our federal government has destroyed the entire, vast American manufacturing base.  Killed it.  No greater success can be shown in the past 40 years than this accomplishment – our federal government destroying our capability to create, design, manufacture and assemble the highest quality products here at home.  There is a lesson for our American military as they flounder in their failed overseas missions.  Sending troops and armaments and spies and trillions of dollars to be wasted does not work.  But sending in bureaucrats and lawyers, by the tens of thousands, with massive rule books filled with indecipherable regulations – works in very short order.  Bureaucrats supported by taxes and irresponsible litigation will kill anything.  This tactic should be taught in our military academies and war schools because it works better than mustering battalions, regiments, brigades and divisions.
War on education:
  • Won.  This victory can be traced back to its exact root source and timing – Jimmy Carter, 1979 and the creation of the US Department of Education.  Ever since, this bureaucracy has used federal money to interfere with local education decision making, learning, test results, preparation for jobs and professions.   Every known metric of education performance has declined.  While our American government destroys education at home our friends overseas move forward.  We used to be first – we are not even in the top 25 today.  In about three decades!
The war on African Americans:
  • Federal government winning.  We may never know if many African Americans can find peace, success and assimilation in America.  We know that many have and do.  But the American government, led by its powerful majority political party, has enslaved a large portion of this community in urban areas without job prospects – without education prospects – in many cases illiterate and unskilled with no real future other than promises and peanuts for their vote.
Here is the fundamental – there is no greater destructive force on this planet than the unionized, American bureaucracy!  They win wars!  Quickly.  If America can ever find a political leader with an executable plan and a way to embed our unionized bureaucrats in the enemy camp - the enemy will be destroyed.




1 comment:


In the war on children, perhaps it should also be mentioned that since the Federal government legalized abortion in 1973, 60.000.000 American children have been destroyed. This has led to the importation of millions of illegal foreigners who have no idea about the American experience, American exceptionalism, or American values.

All the while hypocrisy reigns supreme, as the children lucky enough to survive the scalpel are dumbed down through an education system that is more interested in teacher pensions, salaries, and benefit packages that in actually producing competently educated students who will be capable of self-sufficiency as adults.