"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Monday, March 18, 2019

The ridiculousness* of today’s “fundamentals”

Turn on your television and try to watch a so called “news” show and perhaps if you still follow basics – we call ‘em fundamentals – presenting something about responsibility – financial responsibility.   Find a person or two of the overpaid do little other than read and chat a lot – address DEBT – how much the 435/100/9 fatsos (add 000,000’s across our country) and their overpaid mostly nonproductive “bureaucrats” and others – attorneys and TV chatters and jocks and ______, _______ (you fill in the blanks) – and now the stupidest growing #’s of top job (located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave) candidates tell us – we the people – it’s time to stop adding to and it’s time to start paying down….

Most of us – we the people – who borrow $$$ for specific purposes – pay it back – or else.  Today many of us, we the people, benefit from it – actually “sell” our votes to a lot of the smelly ones – we call ‘em nincomPOOPs – for obvious but seldom mentioned reasons.

The news peckerheads and other overpaid do nothings (do they make/grow/fix/invent/heal/raise/defend/ fight for/teach/etc.) do they ever simply suggest or say – wake up folks, responsible people don’t stick others with POOP or DEBT?

Do the news dopes ever mention that we the people who allow this are simply sending a message to our kids – and their kids if they have any (golly gosh, why might they not be, huh?) – a message that we offer to you now – for you to own and look in the mirror and repeatedly tell yourself…

…screw all these kids – I want what I want now – this minute – and the fatso candidate had better deliver fast or no vote.  Buy my vote fatso – I don’t care about kids.   It’s my turn.   I sell my vote to the fatso who’s gonna give me the most for it!!!

* Why do we write thefundamentals?  Our answer is not significant.     What matters in today’s rather basic few words about our – we the people – nonsense is our ongoing damage to all and everyone.  We write for several reasons – we suggest you read this article from the WSJ – printed over the weekend.   If you so do ask yourself and answer this question:  they talk about one of the new many smelly nincomPOOPs mentioned above – where is anything written in the article about DEBT and its fundamental consequence on young Americans?

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