"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The fundamentals

Folks I write and offer these pages and words for two simple basic (fundamental) reasons:

·         I love this place, and
·         I owe it a lot, for many reasons the top one of which is…

 Cemetery, National Cemetery, Gettysburg, National
…what these men did for us and what we owe our kids.

Folks we are not doing it – we are not fulfilling our responsibility today.   We simply must wake up and we simply must start doing it because those who wish us gone are now just watching and waiting for us to do what only we can do – self destruct.

The men above did what was needed.   This youngster now needs us to do…just a few things…not what these men did…just some simple, basic (fundamental) things – like paying down debt – obeying the law – helping others.

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