"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Whistle Blowing

Every time we hear this expression we are reminded of a Chicago police sergeant who encouraged women living in a neighborhood plagued with rapes to get a whistle and blow it if attacked.  Now, we shouldn’t just pick on this clown - here, straight from the pages of Sacramento Police Department comes this suggestion to women:

“Whistle - A good attention getting device. However, whistles can be difficult to blow when breathless or frightened. Should you carry a whistle, never wear it on a string around your neck or wrist.”
It is good to know that our police who show up at crime scenes after the fact, fully armed and accompanied by their swat teams, are such believers in whistle blowing deterrents.

Which brings us to our topic du jour – whistle blowing – the newest fad in a government that is now so large as to be unmanageable and so disorganized as to be routinely violating basic laws that were established to serve only one purpose – the protection of those who are governed.

We did no specific research for this essay – none, nada.  What we have done is read books and articles about the wastefulness of the American military and the American spy agencies and the American state department and the American foreign aid bureaucracies and hired American “defense” contractors in their use of taxpayer dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan and at home.  These dollars, that measure in the hundreds of billions, are gone but the debt that was created to fund the dollars is on the books – it needs to be repaid.

So, we ask, in this enlightened era of whistle blowing, what are the consequences for billions of dollars wasted?  The whistle has been blown.

We also know that tens of thousands of civilians have been injured, maimed and killed by the assembly of American “bureaucrats” and others spelled out above.  Documented.  Sworn testimony.

Again, we ask in this era of enlightened whistle blowing, what consequences? 

What else do we know?  Data gathering here at home – phone calls/phone records; emails; text messages; conversations; video surveillance; bank records; credit card receipts; tax payments; medical information; investment accounts; wages; salaries; airplane travel; all cobbled up by government technologies and government digital accumulation devices and stored for current and future use.  All in direct violation of such a simple law that even a supreme court justice should be able to recognize a direct violation of said law which says, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Well, let us ask once again, this simple question - this era of enlightened whistle blowing, what consequences?  Did someone get indicted?  Fired?  Jailed?  Suspended?  Sent to “constitutional law camp?”   Has even one supreme court justice said – enough.  You are violating the constitution with all your unsupported seizures?  Is there even one supreme court justice that understands the 4th amendment?  It is to protect the people from government; not from bureaucrats claiming to be protecting the people.  Put it this way, until and unless this amendment is struck from the constitution, even the people cannot give away their right to be secure in their personal dealings!

The answer to the questions is, simply, none – nothing – nada – no consequences at all.

Whistle blowing is to government crimes what whistle blowing is to rape prevention – a joke.  A bypass.  A simplistic toothless answer from a government which knows no discipline and worries naught about the law because it is above the law.  After all, it writes the law, enforces the law, and you can count on one thing for sure – it does not understand the very meaning of the laws which it now routinely violates.  These laws were meant to protect the people - the very people for whom this government stopped working some time ago. 


1 comment:

PAT said...

In his Bbook "Rise of the Warrior Cop" Radley Balko reports that in the 1970's there were about 350 SWAT actions per year. Since 2005, there about 150 per day in the U.S.
A recent news item reported a
SWAT assault on a guy who missed a couple payments on his student loans! LET FREEDOM RING!!