"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Sunday, January 5, 2025

… TheFundamentals exist? Why does…

The basic reason has to do with materialism v. maternity and DOA – Debt  Obesity  Abortion!   This interview ⬇ in less than 30 minutes covers the American situation as well as I have ever seen/heard/witnessed.   Please view and share:


Folks… thefundamentals doesn’t hold a candle of reality, experience and the common sense that is embedded in this ⬆️ brief discussion!!


Thursday, December 19, 2024

America… how stupid are we? Are the DC DOA* problem creators gonna correct their problems?

Is the Democraparty the problem?   Well, several of its leader💩heads oughta be held accountable for some of the mess… huh?

Maybe a few baby’s is a lesson, nah?  Massive #’s of low IQ/obese employee/bureaucrat/lobbyists… 21st century *Debt/Obesity/Abortion politicians/judges/attorneys… piles of overpaid media kissin’ the buttocks of BO/BS – Barack/Bernie, Kamala/Joe from Kokomo…hill/bill… Q… question:  why aren’t all these overpaid nincomPOOPs pointing at the mirror on their wall?

This founding TJ fella knew today would occur:  https://tjrs.monticello.org/letter/100

Who’s the problem?   History might say… me and thee!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Can’t we all just get along… huh?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi_L-2W-oiw  the comments are a tad more interesting that the media’s $0.02 worthlessness!

And a bit more unbalanced coverage… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLoaRqDSUXU   and, again, the comments are a lot more entertaining than the “WTF” news nonsense… huh?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMB--hLfys4   seems pretty balanced… heck… he gives one heck of a wide-open coach commentary!    He’s also had a tough season – Go Blue!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Divided we stand… hmmnn… is our media unaware of what’s happening… huh?

I borrowed the 1st 3 words ⬆️ from here:  https://www.bloomberg.com/the article title is… Political Polarization in the US Has No Global Parallel

Folk is our media and its 24/7 offerings… its Sunday morning stuff… is that in line with what just took place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024?  I don’t think so… how about you?

Something’s really goin’ on in the USA.   In my few words… IT'S LONG OVERDUE!

I love this place I was conceived/built/delivered all in the year 1942 – thanks Mom!  What was happening then?   Well, if you don’t know please don’t read on…

Back then America wasn't about world wars... much less all today's stuff occurring with Russia… Israel… China… the Middle East… Africa and elsewhere.   Yet, we're now messin' with it constantly.

Nevertheless, I’m not writing/sharing/whatever much about it for the simple reason America has been on a homeland trip to H E double L on the planet earth… those are my words!   The specific reasons are our addiction to drugs, alcohol and other crap… but the real problem is our addiction to DOA…




… each can destroy a nation based on freedom and responsibility… hard work and volunteering… education and family!

Don’t worry… I’m almost done with this opening note about one guys view of what’s happening.   More will come later… but I’m raising a Q... question about media and what’s really happening?   Why isn't media finger pointin' at all sorts of Democraparty misbehaviors?

Maybe, we, the voters, know?  More to come…
