Folks, #45 simply is not part of the American government/political/now
massive piles of “you know what.” The ones
who want him gone – out – bye bye – are the current version of what our
founders flushed a while ago. Smelly then
– smelly now. The problem of today’s “you
know what” of ours – they don’t want change – won’t accept change – will quite
simply use everything possible to flush #45.
(Aside – he’s a ny’er – makes it easier.)
So “what’s gonna happen”?
History is filled with “what’s gonna happens (wgh).” This old guy has lived thru/with some slightly
or varied version of “wgh” – but he is fairly sure the stink of today ain’t
quite at its peak. Maybe read about our
revolution a while ago?
But that ain’t why we write this. We write it for a simple reason. Yes, we refer to lasting simple reasons as “fundamentals”
and we exist (write this stuff) for one of ‘em – only borrow money (DEBT) for
good reason and pay it back or bye bye. NO
decent homo sapien sticks his kids with DEBT – get it?
The simple solution to the fatsos (435/100/9+++000,000’s
more everywhere) be they the ny’er or the 435/100/9+++++++fatsos is as follows –
stop adding to DEBT – start paying DEBT down.
Got a lotta $$$$$$, pay down $$$$$.
Some $$$ - pay down $$. Little
or no $ - pay down $0.99 to $0.01. Complicated? We say it’s pretty basic – fundamental.
Our only question to you da’ voter is when the heck are you
gonna demand it from any fatso seeking much less trying to buy your vote – huh?