Anyone watching the BUTTDEBTPOOPs (numerically defined as
435/100/9/1 + 000,000’s more here, there and everywhere in government – many elsewhere)
or listening/watching/reading them or whatever other ways now exist to live in
this costly outhouse – here it is today direct from:
Held by the Public
Public Debt Outstanding
Did you hear or watch – read, see or listen to any of the
POOPfatsos seeking (when we were a kid it was called “BUYING”) your vote
mention or display the above? Have you
got a kid? If so here is that little
ones piece of the number above called – Total Public Debt Outstanding (it’s NOT
TOTAL PUBLIC DEBT) – not even close butt lets divide it up anyways*:
If the national debt
were divided among every person in the U.S., each of us would owe more than
$67,000. Source:
Our question to you - Have you told your kid? Let us know what she/he said. How many kids they gonna have? We were watchin’ the ten fatsos last night
waitin’ for one of ‘em to say – enjoy a lifetime of smelly piles of BUTTDEBTPOOP. Vote for ME!!
Back to our title words above – carefully chosen, of
course. Ain’t it just wonderful how much
the POOPfatsos who buy your vote with DEBT bring up the DEBT topic and also
explain what this guys Mom and Dad used to explain regularly – hey boy, you
borrow any money – YOU BETTER PAY BACK EVERY PENNY OF IT boy – on time!!
Anyways – the one word that best describes America’s
media/government/fatso POOPs today
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