obs. Jobs. Jobs. They all want to create jobs. They all are focused on jobs. Good jobs. Bad jobs. Any kind of jobs. Even the congressional black caucus, which knows about as much about creating jobs as they do about balancing the country’s checkbook, now says we’re all about jobs. Obama is all about jobs. His staff can’t stop saying, “Jobs, jobs, jobs.” Lots and lots of talk. These folk can’t talk about anything but jobs. So, let’s take them at their word(s) and let assume (we know; we know what happens when anyone assumes anything) that they really want to create some jobs in America. Here is how you can measure if they are serious, because all they need do to cause a big pickup in jobs is:
1. Cut back on most government spending because as they do that they will:
a. Be able to reduce taxes on producers which is the number one way to create jobs
b. Be able to reduce the number of bureaucrats interfering in the job creating activities of all forms of businesses and commerce which is the number two way to create jobs, and
c. Be able to eliminate all sorts of rules and forms and applications and fees and waiting in lines and wasting time talking with government employees and that entire elimination process is the number three way to create jobs.
2. Remove from the law of the land all legislation that creates “protected classes” of citizens and/or places a real threat of litigation on jobs creators for things like claimed discrimination activities and claimed product safety issues and claimed environmental violations and claimed bribes or payoffs to compete in the marketplace.
3. Enact “loser pays” reform to all federal litigation – civil and criminal and cap all non economic damages, whether settled or adjudicated, at $200,000.00. This item is so simple to do and America is for so long out of step with all its major competitors that we, at TheFundamentals, would encourage any person talking about jobs or jobs creation to have to include this change at the top of their list in order to receive any credibility on claiming to be interested in “jobs.”
4. Enforce existing immigration laws and deport as many illegal visitors as quickly as possible. Be nice to them; we may need them sooner than we think because we may be asking them back as guest workers.
5. Require that all government contracts for goods and services be openly bid with no preconditions; no union favoring provisions; no minimum prevailing wage stipulations and state clearly that the United States of America is a right to work country.
6. Stop unemployment supplemental compensation payments. Leave any payments for not working to the states.
There will be so many jobs created in 18-24 months that Obama will be heralded as the savior he thinks he is. The brilliant economist he knows he is. The great leader that he, his mom, his dad; his wife and kids, his cousins and uncles and aunts here and abroad always wanted him to be.
By following the above steps the following will occur:
1. Manufacturing of American made products will gradually increase (Yes, Virginia, those roller skates were “Made in U.S.A”)
2. Staff and supportive service jobs will also, as a consequence, increase.
3. New businesses and new manufacturing plants and new service companies will open quickly and without unnecessary government preconditioning.
4. The available workforce will find an increasing need for their skills at all levels of capability and they will also be motivated to get to work because their payments for not working will, hopefully, be wound down.
5. There will be a sudden renewed interest by the workforce in jobs presently filled by illegal visitors because the illegal visitors numbers will be declining and the work still needs to be done and the bellies of the unemployed will be growling (notice we do not support any present reduction in the government food stamp program as we go through this period of readjustment.)
6. Growing business will demand better basic education for the workforce which means schools will compete to increase their measurable learning output and the crappy urban schools of today will fade away to their long overdue dustbin destiny.
Our last suggestion. A new TV series. “Has America Got Jobs?” On this program the politicians compete with each other to show their job creating talents and outcomes. They each get a few minutes to bring on job creators, business men and women, who are building commerce and creating wealth and jobs. Each politician gets a minute to yap about their role in the improvement process. Just one minute. And then America gets to vote. To be a voter, you must be a citizen; at some point employed in the private sector and you must be a federal income taxpayer. We predict the show will last two seasons at most. Reason: America will quickly realize that the politicians don't create any jobs, they just make the process difficult. America will want to hear from the real jobs creators. Not the yappers.