One of the basics this guy knows and has had some firsthand
experience with is the basis on which the above title was prepared. But its presence today has to do with the lower
links and yet in offering it as such this guy also knows this one simple
fundamental fact – read the news – watch the news – occasionally pay a little attention
to the vast and costly accumulations of overpaid unneeded governmental “employees”
or whatever other descriptive words come to mind and unfortunately watch or
listen to some of the many piles of meaningless words flowing from our
435/100/9 top all-time nincompoops and then know this – our founders and our
grandma’s and grandpa’s and a good chunk of our mom’s and dad’s dealt with this
nonsense and some died to prevent us from ever having to face it but we are
simply not smart enough or have the “balls” today to stand up and shut the plentiful
dopes down:
or – (worth reading)
Is he investigating himself…or what…and what else should be
going on????? If government does not
equal responsibility then what?????