"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Freedom has one simple daily (24/7) requirement…


If/when responsibility is met… well sometimes freedom continues… for a while…

… until the “you know what” hits the fan of life.

And then… lo and behold… all H E double L arrives.

In America, over the last 50 years or so… we the people have engaged in a trip… a route… on a one-way highway named… materialism… it’s simply a dead-end street.

Yes, that’s a fact, Jack.

Now here’s where the trip really has some quick u-turns and some cutoffs alley’s that we’ve been stuck on.

We have various governmental groups/gatherings of what we thefundamentals simply learned and were taught about long ago… they must be limited and they must be disciplined and they must simply disappear before they take over freedom and responsibility.   That’s a fact Jack… actually we were told by a founder of ours… read it yourself:      https://tjrs.monticello.org/letter/100

Folks, more words matter not… we the people are facing history… real life’s reality… and materialism will fight us until we prevail or we disappear…


Saturday, August 19, 2023

A “fundamental” lesson in history… it constantly repeats… materialism ignores…

… and America… we the people… we’re on materialisms path.

Here’s a simple basic fundamental fact:

Materialism is a one way dead πŸ’€ end street.  Freedom and responsibility simply disappear 🫠πŸ«₯… replaced by…




… DOA.    Simply history’s well traveled road way the H E double L down below !

America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ… if ever… EVER… reality keeps knocking at our door πŸšͺ.   Well, someone once said… there oughta be a law.   Our system of laws and orders… bureaucracy’s and bureaucrats… attorneys and lobbyists… often ignores facts/reality/history.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

America… a few words about our growin’ GAPs between “the tree of liberty” and its needs…

… self/community RESPONSIBILITY.

This country of ours was formed and fought for to not have various self absorbed… self elevated groups similar to those that fill the chapters of history’s books – royalty and religion and now endless legal wordings that come and go.   Folks, history is pretty darn factual… law and order disappear… when self/community IRRESPONSIBILITY… materialism… now dominate the US of A.

Our media/politicians/unions/attorneys/bureaucracy and the other forms of Homo sapiens that live off endless materialism… ignore the massive amounts of nonrepayable DEBT that are suffocating the US of A.    History’s repeating itself.   Its chapters are dominated by smellyones… nincomPOOPs… several briefly mentioned/listed above.   They ignore history… finger point accountability and IRRESPONSIBILITY everywhere… butt not da’ buffoon in the mirror on their wall.

Read the words in this link from a founder.   This man… TJ, knew history… do you?  https://tjrs.monticello.org/letter/100

A few of his words “…set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them.”   “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time… “  https://www.monticello.org/research-education/thomas-jefferson-encyclopedia/tree-liberty-quotation/