"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Feet of Clay on the Hudson and Potomac

PNoonan has been writing essays for the WSJ for some time. She also shows up on the cable and Sunday shows that are frequented by an inbred group who like to pat themselves on the back with their sense of being on the inside of matters that matter. They bestow themselves with the world view, the well read view, the big perspective, the ability to grasp what the common folk are either not up to or are just too busy with their mundane daily lives to embrace. Some of them, a small minority with their noses pressed against the window of the party in powers candy store, actually claim to be either libertarians or conservatives or both. The Noonan may be in this group. They are part of the self anointed who do little, talk a lot and hang out with each other and tell each other how insightful the last book or article or speech was. The Noonan does want to stay in this group.

So, she joined the childless Dowd and her sidekick Rich and did a chop job on SPalin. This act is intended to keep her group membership credentials in good order. By the way Noonan, how many children have your raised; how many challenged children have you nurtured; how many elected offices have you run for and held; how many personal attacks and non issue based criticisms have you responded to while trying to do your job and raise your family; how many times have you had to defend you under age children against attacks from the fools you pander to and fawn over in NYC and DC?

Here’s a recent Noonan quote on the dangers ahead and why Palin is not up to the job:

“Here are a few examples of what we may face in the next 10 years: a profound and prolonged American crash, with the admission of bankruptcy and the spread of deep social unrest; one or more American cities getting hit with weapons of mass destruction from an unknown source; faint glimmers of actual secessionist movements as Americans for various reasons and in various areas decide the burdens and assumptions of the federal government are no longer attractive or legitimate.”

Let’s examine her fears. The crash was produced by the elected/appointed people she fawns over and the silly do nothing bureaucrats they employ. Admission of bankruptcy. What does that mean? The group she supports now has thwarted the bankruptcy process for political payoff purposes. The acceptance of bankruptcy would actually permit a healing process to proceed. Social unrest? Would you prefer endless deficits and debt? Let’s hope that someone throws some politicians out of office and unemploys a bunch of federal, state and local bureaucrats. That is social unrest that would also provide healing and a strong foundation for future growth. Weapons of mass destruction. Lady, you and Cheney. Let’s all stay inside. The sky is falling. Oh woe be unto us. Only more bureaucrats with guns will save us. Secessionist movements? How about a little respect for the 10th amendment? You may call that secessionist. Some might call it the law of the land. Some states are competing and growing. Is yours? Is your beloved DC? NY?

If we try to find logic in this woman’s words, we would never make a change. Each time the incumbents got us into a mess we would need to seek their level of familiarity with the problems they created in order to deal with them. This is the logic of the insane. Keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting, hoping, for a different result. This woman has sold out for a few cocktail party invitations.

Obama had one thing right last fall. The US desperately needs change. What we are getting is a steroid version of the lack of fundamentals that marked eight years of GWBush. There is no way to keep spending and promising and giving things to people who neither sacrifice nor contribute. The answer is quite simple and Noonan’s NY/DC friends would at least recognize the authors – “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” and “I’d rather be governed by the first 100 names in the Boston phone directory than the Harvard faculty.” Just as Buckley noted the problems of an inbred faculty, there are similar problems with Noonan’s search for leadership on the banks of the Potomac and Hudson. Open minds may also look to the banks of the Kuskokwim and elsewhere.

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