One can learn a lot by looking at what a person did and did not do in their previous job(s.) Ditto for looking at how they dealt with past problems and issues. Let’s take a brief look:
1. Has anyone looked at the finances of the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois with the thought that maybe, just maybe, the organizer is taking the country to the same fiscal and financial place that the boss mayor and corrupt state politicians have taken Chicago and Illinois?
2. Why does the organizer tell the government agencies to quit with the trips to Las Vegas and Orlando and go to places like Chicago and New York?
3. Here are two brief excerpts from the same document: “Congress shall make no law….abridging the freedom of speech” and “I…will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.” Doesn’t this mean that the oath taker is supposed to “protect and defend” the people when they opine about something? Is this his track record?
4. Let’s look casually at who voted for the organizer and casually judge if they are benefiting from that vote: Blacks voted overwhelmingly for the organizer and are overwhelmingly benefiting. Hispanics gave the organizer a huge plurality and are benefiting. White women gave the organizer a majority and are NOT benefiting. White men did not vote for the organizer and are NOT benefiting. Union members, government employees and seniors voted for the organizer. Two out of those three are benefiting big time.
5. At least one, maybe two, of the above groups will probably come to their senses in the next 1 - 3 years. You guess which one/two?
6. Simple question: If we can’t afford to pay for the health care for the older citizens who paid the premiums to the government over the years to have it available for them when they need it, why is the organizer seeking to provide coverage to people who have not paid the premiums for it? Isn’t this either a form of fraud or simple contract abrogation?
7. Congress. What’s with the fetish for private jets? What happened to acting green and behaving sensibly? What happened to energy savings? Did we really vote for people who ran on the promise of buying more jets for themselves? What’s the likelihood that the organizer will veto any such wasteful spending? What is his record on wasteful spending?
8. Deficits and Debt. What is the track record of the organizer and the top five power players in the USCongress on debt control and debt repayment?
9. More on the organizer. He has made certain vague representations about health care reform. He says that there will be “no problem” with keeping our current insurance, our doctor choices and our treatment options. Let’s make sure that the health care reform legislation includes wording that guarantees doctor choice, insurance options and treatment alternatives. Let’s get it in writing. Ask the people of Illinois if we should get it in writing.
10. Who besides the government employees and a few benefiting politicians think that it is a GOOD idea for people who work for us to establish protections against us in the form of union (SEIU and AFSCME) contracts and strength in numbers? Answer hint: If you want to see how this cabal plays out in the future try to build, manufacture or assemble something/anything in Chicago or Illinois. If you want to really see how it plays out, vacation for a week or two in Detroit!
11. There is a new big scandal in Illinois about politicians exercising clout to promote admissions to the University of Illinois of under qualified but connected students. Did anyone check out any involvement on the part of the organizer in this scheme?
While asking these questions you may wish to check out the roots of Alexrod and Emmanuel. Just for fun, of course. One last comment about newspapers and other media who have the job of asking and looking at roots. Any one of the failing newspapers could rally subscriptions and readership if they would address two or more of the above topics in their communities. Further, all they need do is start publishing the names, addresses and annual pension payments of retired government employees in their cities, villages, counties and states. No brainer! Readership will rise.
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