Br’er Rabbit likes to quote historic figures. “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
Br’er Obama has made a number of mistakes.
Here are four of them: Jarrett, Gibbs, Emanuel and Axelrod. Amateur hour at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Can he get rid of them? Probably not; but there will be growing pressure on him to do so as time passes. Can you imagine the political ads that you can make in a few months with this cast of characters? This is not the group of key white house aides you want to bring to Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, the Dakotas and Arkansas.
Here are four more: Pelosi, Rangel, Waxman and BFrank. Wow. How’d you’d like to run for reelection with these clowns and their record as your pitch?
Can he get rid of them? Unlikely. They are in their jobs because they have no serious challenge in their secure congressional districts. They have attained positions way beyond their capability because of our wonderful concept of “representative government” without term limits. So they wail about the super majority in the senate which is probably the only thing between them and total electoral collapse.
And four more: Durbin, Schumer, Reid and Conrad.
Can he get rid of them? Reid yes, others no.
There is an old story with some fundamental truths in it. In this story, Br’er’s Fox and Bear make a doll out of tar and place it to attract the attention of Br’er Rabbit. Br’er Rabbit tries to engage the doll in conversation and gets upset at the lack of responsiveness and punches it; thereby getting stuck in the tar. Fortunately, for the rabbit, he outfoxes Br’er Fox by getting tossed in a thicket bush where he is able to escape.
The lesson is avoiding “tar babies” which are sticky situations. Combine that advice with Ruler Bonaparte’s advice and the Party Out of Power (POOP) is best advised to leave Mr. Obama and his above 12 named tar babies alone to their own devices. The combination of these 13 people is best described as amateurish and more realistically described as “unbelievably out of touch”. This gang has hired failed academics, unemployed politicians, lazy bureaucrats and countless out of work lawyers and turned their mandate (?) into a political and rapidly developing electoral disaster. This gang thought that their resounding victory (53 to 46) was a clarion call to double down on the exact government crap that the voters were so fed up with from the prior group of wastrels. So, they did. They completely misread the election. Duh. Is this a really big revelation? These guys are Chicago politicians. The liberal senators and representatives saw a once in a lifetime opportunity. Move fast. Pass all the stuff we’ve been dreaming about. Do it quick before they kick us out.
Mr. Obama is bouncing around without any principles or philosophy that will carry him into the November congressional elections. He rode health care reform (was never reform; was always a plan to add 30 million people to the public dole in the form of free or subsidized health insurance paid for by new taxes and reduced Medicare reimbursements for people who had prepaid for those benefits) for one full year and now that it has failed, he wants the minority party to bail him out. Good luck spinning that into an electoral win. On the other hand, POOP players are not exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer. They just might punch the health care reform tar baby. We’ll see.
Next Obama launched undisciplined spending under the guise of creating new jobs. Never an ounce of truth in that approach. Just a huge payoff to his base; principally unionized government employees across the land. Try spinning that move into an electoral win when hard working taxpayers in private sector jobs are being laid off and those who still have jobs are earning substantially less than the unionized government workers are making. Plus everyone is fed up with the special benefits and outrageously generous and expensive retirement programs available to these same people. When have you heard anyone of the above thirteen “leaders” suggest even a cap much less a reduction in the out of control government employment numbers, out of control government wage levels and out of control benefit and pension programs available to these people? TheFundamentals is unaware of any mention. Please advise with specifics if you can find any mention of such a move. Try spinning this failure into an electoral win.
Lawyers. Always an easy target but not undeservedly so. Find any move on the part of any of the above to rein in the litigation and lawyering that now enters every minute aspect of US commerce, US culture and US society. Has one of them suggested that an attorney who files a lawsuit and loses that lawsuit must pay for the costs of the party (ies) forced to defend against the allegations in the lawsuit? What is so drastic about that reasonable position? What if the same discipline were applied to all government legal actions? What is wrong with the simple concept that loser pays? What is so wrong with the simple concept that non economic damages be limited? It may be nice to be a Hollywood movie producer who funds a tear jerker about someone screwed by a nasty corporation or nasty government agency and gets a big multimillion dollar settlement at the end with the music rising and feel good stuff flowing. But what has that got to do with justice? What has that got to do with recompensation for damages? It’s just Hollywood crap and it sells. But it does not promote economic growth. It does not make American products and services more competitive in world markets. It does not help create jobs. It does the opposite.
Next on the agenda – global warming. The new gang thinks they can do something about global warming. (Aside: They deal with global snowing by staying home and still getting paid.) Their solution -- Tax Americans and tax American businesses. That is just what an economy with 18% real unemployment needs. Where do they find these wonderful ideas? Community organizations. Ask anyone. They will always tell you that if you want to cure the ills of the world just ask a community organizer. Who was the only community organizer that people really liked? Hint: he wore tights and hung out in Sherwood Forest. He also stole from the government and distributed it to the poor and regular folk. His victims were court members and lords and other fancy folk who deserved a good mugging. Robin Hood did not run around trying to increase taxes!
What would Br’er Rabbit say?
The gang in the white house has reaped the whirlwind of their mistakes and their bad reading of the public mood. Let ‘em swing in the wind. Leave this tar baby alone! POOP, take a pass on their suggestions for “shared governing.” Don’t bother showing up for their quickly organized TV open meetings. It’s not going to be an “open meeting.” They are looking for cover. Let the new gang with their big majorities do their thing. Stand back. Just observe. No need to get involved. This group is going to set a self destructive record. Leave this tar baby alone. What Br’er Rabbit would ask is, “POOP, where are your plans to reduce spending and pay down the debt?” America wants to know, now. Hello. POOP? Do you have any plans?
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