"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Define a Republican. Please.

What is this species; this genus, called republican?

What are their common characteristics? Their defining features? Do they stand for a few basics that define them? Besides opposing the Democrats and claiming fiscal responsibility? Do they believe in some common ideas? Values? Do they share fundamentals?

Are they fiscal conservatives? Or are they debt builders? Big spenders. Budget balancers? Entitlement expanders? Government limiters?

Do they favor freedom? Personal rights? Or state power?

Are they good neighbors or nosy neighbors? Do they leave other nations alone to solve their problems or do they favor involvement and interference under the guise of assistance, security and peace? Which is it? Military action or “live and let live?”

Can someone please describe this species? This genus unique to America known as a “republican?”

Today we see a “republican” who is chubby and self involved and very proud of his self described historian status. Are republicans good historians? This “republican” receives a generous federal pension (see below) payment, estimated to be $100,000.00 each year. Is this a typical republican we ask – one who must have worked for the government long enough and earned so much that he can qualify for that large a pension? This “republican” wants to colonize the moon and invade another Middle Eastern country? Is this what defines a republican? Space Odyssey and military adventures? Government work? He received more than one million dollars “consulting” with two quasi government agencies that are now bankrupt? Good advice or bad? Do “republicans” give bad advice? Should he not return those monies or is that what a republican does? Get paid for bad advice? He also receives a lot of money from one very wealthy contributor? Is that a typical “republican?” Closely connected to one very rich person? Do republicans then become obligated to the rich donor? Is that what a “republican” is?  

Maybe we should look at one more. This one has a bunch of kids and believes in the family and caring for them. Is this what a republican is? Big on family? But he says he wants to bomb a country thousands of miles away. What about the kids there? How can you want your kids to be safe and not be concerned about someone else’s kids? Perhaps a republican is someone who only cares about his kids; not someone else’s? He was a senator for a long time and he also likes working for government. Is this working for the government business a key component of being a republican?

But wait, someone just said – no. There is a republican who hardly ever worked for government. He was a governor for just four years and he worked in the private sector and made a lot of money. Is this what a republican is? Are republicans rich or just attracted to money? There’s or someone else’s? This one gives a lot of his annual income to his church. Is this what defines a republican? Someone who contributes his money to a cause? He also has a lot of kids and he also seems to like military action in other people’s countries. Could this be the real defining component of being a republican – like your own kids but are okay with bombing other people’s kids; like money and love sending armies to foreign lands? Could these be the common defining components of being a “republican?”

No you say. There is another one, an older man, who says he is a republican and he says no to war and no to bombing other peoples kids and no to government spending and no to building up debt and no to government employees sticking their nostrils in everyone else’s business. He also claims to not have a rich sugar daddy. And he does not go in for that bombing kids business either. Now we are very confused. This one is a doctor but he also went to work for the government – not just four years but twenty years. He says government should be cut back and debt should be repaid but he also keeps working for government. Republicans must like working for government. Is that the one common thread that makes a “republican”?

We are not getting anywhere close to being able to figure out what the heck a republican is. How can anyone decide to vote for a republican if the republicans cannot even come up with a common definition of who they are? What they want? What they believe in? What the voters can expect if they elect them?

Can you; can anyone; can someone please define a republican?

We sure can’t.

A list of a few “republican” federal pensioner annual payments:
  • Newt Gingrich - $100,200.00 
  • Bob Dole - $144,432.00 
  • Trent Lott - $110, 352.00 
  • Dick Cheney - $125,976.00

1 comment:

Patrick Flynn said...

Name calling is, or should be, beneath the author of this blog. It demonstrates a weak argument, and is more representative of a democrat species of discussion.