"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Give Credit Where Credit is Due

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”  BObama, July 13, 2012

When you think you are on a roll, it is amazing how you loosen the tongue and the real sentiments come out.  We need to replay the tapes of Obama taking credit for the killing of Osama.  Heck, we need to play the tapes of his blaming Bush II for all the woes of the country.  if what we do when we accomplish something is always a communal activity then it only follows that things like wars and housing bubbles and wall street excesses, heck even the failures of FHLMC (did you know that an Obama stooge by the name of Rahm Emanuel was on the board of this outfit before it went bankrupt?  Man, these guys have short memories) and FNMA and Solyndra must all be community organizing type failures too?

Sure, you can explain away this recent political nonsense as “political nonsense.”  Why not?  The press doesn’t much care what he says, or how he says it or even what it means or even does it mean anything.  Why should they?  They gave him a pass four years ago; three years ago; two years ago and they are doing the same this year.

Do not expect the tone or the publicity to change.  Every democrat attack on Romney will be examined and amplified, by the Hollywood media, and every Romney attack on Obama will be used as brief counter fodder and given I minute of coverage to 59 minutes of Obama attacks.

This is America now.  This is how carefully the Hollywood media care about the direction and leadership of the country.

To the quote above – in case you never had or desired the opportunity to attend an eastern college, or, for that matter, most any college, the statement in quotes above is now the accepted truth.  We don’t teach young people about Thomas Edison or Henry Ford or the Wright Brothers or Jonas Salk (see TheFundamentals March 3, 2011 http://thefundamentalsus.blogspot.com/2011/03/leadership-series-public-servant.html .)  We would get a kick out of the response of Henry Ford to Obama’s idiotic comment about someone building the roads.  Mr. Obama, the roads did not come first. Sorry to so inform you.  It was not the roads that built the automobile.  Other way around.  What worthwhile lessons does Harvard teach?

When we first started writing TheFundamentals we frequently addressed basic economics – things such as wealth creation and market discipline, supply and demand and pricing theory.  Why?  Because no one teaches it anymore.  How could Obama possibly know that what he said is wrong?  Did his mommy or daddy teach him?  Harvard?  His employer?  He has never worked in a competitive business; never attended a school that support the concept of market discipline and doesn’t even ponder the possibility of the need to limit government if you seek competitive businesses that succeed.  His attacks on Romney and his business career are daily illustrations of his training; his education and his distorted knowledge base.  And he is now preaching this catechism of his church to a group of people who desperately want to hear a distorted message.  No wonder the world looks at America, shakes their heads and whispers to each other, “What fools.”

In Chicago as elsewhere, government is responsible for two of the most vital and important responsibilities any government can rightfully lay claim to:

1.    The safety of the law abiding citizen, and

2.    The education of the children (well, not politicians children)

Chicago politicians and bureaucrats fail on both responsibilities.  They failed yesterday, when Obama was part of it; they fail today when his protégé Emanuel is part of it and they will fail tomorrow unless and until the people say enough.  What do failures do?  Lie, distort, bluster and blather.  We all know people who are successful only in their own minds.  In Chicago, we call those people – mayor, alderman, governor, senator and Mr. President.

Is Mitt Romney the answer?  Who knows?  At least he understands who to give credit to.

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