"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Homeland Security Quiz

Our quiz today is multiple choice.  It is possible that more than one answer is correct.  It is just not possible that all the answers are correct.  (Aside:  TheFundamentals expresses its appreciation to the two presidential candidates for their significant focus on homeland security matters, budgets, growing employee counts, infringements on citizen liberties (all for our safety of course) and specifics which allows us the opportunity to submit this quiz to an informed audience.)

Question Number One:  Which of the following organizations is a serious threat to America’s national security, defined by Admiral Mullen, Obama’s top military guy (retired), as the growing and humongous debt of the United States?  Circle the top threats –

a.    SEIU – Service Employees International Union: 2,100,000 members

b.    AFT – American Federation of Teachers: 1,500,000 members

c.    AFSCME – American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees:  1,600,000 members

d.    NEA – National Education Association: 3,000,000 members

e.    American Association for Justice (formerly Association of Trial Lawyers): 56,000 members

f.     Al Qaeda, estimated membership on 9/11/2001:  500 - 1,000 members

g.    K Street Lobbyists: 12,700 members (2011)

h.    AFGE,  American Federation of Government Employees: 600,000 members

i.      Syria/Iran/Pakistan/Russia/Cuba/Venezuela/Egypt and North Korea – hundreds of millions of citizens, apparently ready to invade our homeland any minute now

Two:  What is the budget of the homeland security department this year?  What was the budget in 2002?  Please put the year next to the budget number.

  1. $19  billion
  2. $59  billion

Three:  How much money did the United States spend on the entire military/industrial complex in the last ten years?

  1. One trillion dollars
  2. At least five trillion dollars
  3. More than five trillion dollars
  4. This information is classified – guessing not permitted – subject to fine and/or imprisonment

Four:  What was George W. Bush’s estimate of the cost of the Iraq war in 2003?

  1. $ 50 - 60 billion
  2. $ 3 trillion

Five:  What is the current estimate of the overall cost of the Iraq war?

  1. $ 3 trillion
  2. $ 50 – 60 billion

Five:  Did America accomplish its stated objectives for the war in Iraq?  Yes or No.  War in Afghanistan?  Yes or No.  War on Terror?  Yes or No.  Extra Credit:  War on Poverty?  War on Hunger?

Six:  How many elected officials in Washington DC have volunteered to join America’s police and military training mission in Afghanistan wherein they provide loaded guns to the trainees and run the risk that the Afghan recruits will shoot them?

a.    0 - 5

b.    Too many to keep track of.

Seven.   Do you feel safer today than four/ten/thirty years ago?  Yes or No for each time period. 

  1.   4 years ago – Y or N
  2. 10 years ago – Y or N
  3. 30 years ago – Y or N

Eight.  How much more of your earnings (hint:  in case this word is confusing to you, earnings are monies provided to people for real work performed) would you like to have Washington DC confiscate to continue making the world a safer place for you and your family? 

a.    $0.00 - $1.50

b.    $1.50 – $3,280.00

c.    $3,280.00 - $213,478.00

d.    More than $213,478.00 (this category is only available for Warren Buffett and Hollywood actors/directors/producers)

Nine:  Do unions representing public employees in Washington DC or your home state capitol or your hometown increase the quality and the service level of the delivery of the duties and responsibilities for which the employees are hired?  Yes or No.  (EXTRA CREDIT – one point will be given for each tangible example provided in the space below)

Ten:  How many more Homeland Security Bureaucrats do you think should be hired to make us even safer than we are now?  Just write the number in here: ___.  If, perhaps you think a few should be terminated write that number here: _______________________.  Hint, at last count there were about 240,000 homeland security bureaucrats.

Thank you for participating in this quiz. The answers will be compiled and, for national security reasons, released to the public 50 years from now when your grandkids are still paying off the debt incurred for our "safety" today.

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