"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Friday, November 2, 2012

Vote Democrat – Let the Grandkids Pay

Instead of the ubiquitous, “I approve this ad….” after each political lie, TheFundamentals would humbly propose that the following words be substituted –

“I think the kids/grandkids should pay for a lot of what we get today – vote for me – let the kids/grandkids pay.”

This simple line would bring substantial transparency to Mr. Obama’s campaign.  Here is a fact – the current population of the United States is 314 million people and the census bureau tells us that 24% of the population is under 18 years of age.  24% of 314 million is 75 million youngsters under the age of 18.

We have previously pointed out, using Mr. Obama’s own numbers, that the debt of the country has risen $5.2 trillion since he has been president.    Divide 75 million into $5.2 trillion and you get –

$69,333.33 per youngster

So, before these kids even get to consider going to college, your president has already levied sixty nine thousand dollars worth of debt on their backs. College can easily double that debt – we’re now at $208,000.00 per kid and their job prospects are not good to say the least.

You want four more years of that?

Apparently a lot do.  The least they can do is proudly display this bumper sticker as they vote for any Democrat – anywhere in the country –

By the way, we don’t mean to just pick on those who vote for Democrats.  Any of you who think you’ve earned something or you deserve something and someone else should pay for it – you, too, have earned the right to proudly display this bumper sticker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's an incentive issue. If you don't see that debt coming down on you (and who's explained what debt actually means to an average citizen? no one, to my knowledge, has gone through and connected the economic dots to everyday life)then you don't care about it.