"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Obama Drama

How did we end up with a drama queen for president?  We know; we know the history only too well but, c’mon, America has got four more years of a drama queen and even though we think we will survive this constant focus on the queen, can we expect that at the end of her reign we might possibly get back to common sense and fiscal responsibility?

That is the question; the focus of our essay today.

Usually we elect these fellows who are just normal narcissists.  You know, every day, run of the mill, it’s-all-about-me guys who are so taken with themselves that they are in heaven with all the clamoring and the entourages and the cameras and the “Mr. President, this…” and “Mr. President, that…”  Bill Clinton is an insufferable narcissist but even Bill found his way to a common sense proposal once in a while.  George W. was a mess – actually a bit of a dope and too easily managed by the narcissists he surrounded himself with – but to his credit – he has disappeared from the scene.  Yes, he did leave a bit of a mess for us. 

But this time we rang the bell – grabbed the brass ring – found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  We got ourselves a beauty – a full blown, prancing around, no connection between what he/she does/says one day and says or does the next day.  Just create drama.  Always a drama – a crisis – a show – never solve anything – but you can bet that the drama of today will come back again in three or four months and in between there will be five or six new ones.

Just imagine if we had an honest press – honest, truthful commentators to expose this queen of ours?  Or, to put it another way, just imagine if our queen were a republican?  It’s funny to even consider it.

So, how do we deal with four more years of Obama drama?

Well, we investigated what others have discovered about drama queens and this is what we found:

Scientific American did an article on drama queens – go to:  http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=dangerous-liaisons

According to Scientific American dealing with a drama queen can lead to anxiety and depression.  Okay, we didn’t really need them to point that out – we’re there.  Been there for some time.  They also tell us that all this drama could stem from either childhood trauma or genes, meaning its inherited.  Okay, we can buy into that also – one does need to spend hours at www.ancestry.com to figure out that Obama had some ups and downs as a kid.  But how does that help us get through January 2017?

Well, we may in trouble.  Apparently – the drama does not lessen; queens don’t have built in corrective capability which, we think, means they are unlikely to stop with the drama; even with professional guidance.  Here is what SA tells us to do:

  • Set boundaries – Sorry, Barry, we cannot cover your crisis today
  • Be consistent.  For John Boehner we think this means no more silly negotiations with the queen because the queen is not going to be consistent
  • Stay calm.  For fiscal conservatives, this is the challenge
  • Create a paper trail – in other words document the nonsense and hope facts will prevail.  Unfortunately, TheFundamentals has spent 4+ years doing that and it is not working
  • Cut ties with the queen – if only it were that easy

230 years ago, the founding group got rid of their king.  First did the paper trail (Declaration of Independence) then cut the ties.  230 years later, we voluntarily crowned ourselves a queen.  That was no inauguration last month.  That was a coronation.  It will be an anxious and depressing four years.  Let’s hope we can survive her.


1 comment:

NDDillon said...

The problem is not drama. Rather it is the uncomfortable reality that the government really does create jobs. Along with the reality that actions have consequences. Given the perilous state of the economy, the idea of raising taxes or cutting spending at this time is sheer foolishness. While that idea may make the Fundamentals squirm a bit, it does not change the fact that the UK, Italy, Ireland and Greece are faring far worse than the Us, because they have cut their budgets in the misguided idea that it would boost their fortunes.