Most of us know what accountability
is even though it has become an endangered species in the last five years
(seems much longer doesn’t it?) – we can
safely predict by Mr. Obama’s departure in 1,185 days** (but who’s counting) that the species – bureaucraticus accountabilcus
will be extinct in Washington DC (it does seem a long, long away,
But back to this metrics measurement business.
Just a little over one month ago, the bureaucrats at HHS,
that’s the outfit run by Kathleen Sebelius, she’s the gal who told the Catholic
church to start providing condoms and other forms of contraception to their
employees – oh, and abortions if those frisky employees didn’t have time or
inclination to use such free devices; this gal Kathleen predicted that 7 million
people would sign up for Obamacare in the first year which now has begun. That’s an example of “performance metrics.”
Kathy even provided detail.
Here are sign up "metrics" for a few big states:
California –
1.3 million
Texas – 629,000
Florida – 477,000
Washington – 340,000
New York – 218,000
The Associated Press got the metrics in a draft version from
Kathy’s bureaucracy a few weeks before enrollment commenced on October 1st. A week later, Kathy issued the final
statement. Guess what? The enrollment metrics were MIA – that’s
missing in action.
Have you noticed that the same government that will ask you
to report your income, to the dollar; your
medical expenses, to the dollar; your mortgage interest payments to the dollar;
your interest receipts (we know – most
of you no longer can associate with this concept – receiving interest for your
bank deposits) to the dollar; has no such discipline or documentation when it
comes to their programs and expenditures and great plans and schemes? Try estimating your tax deductions – with no
paper backup and see what happens.
Now Obama could fess up – it’s a mess – the technology stinks; the concept is badly flawed and enrollment will fall
way short of their projections – and Kathleen and her tens of thousands of bureaucrats are to blame. That would be consistent with his concept of
accountability? Blame someone else. But – big but about to follow – Obama has one
condition associated with his concept of
accountability. Only republicans are
accountable – never a democrat.
As to the metrics – why cover new ground – why publish an
estimate when the American Hollywood media is only too willing to parrot your
vague predictions and excuses and, of course, point the finger of blame at those
pesky, in bred, badly conflicted, pocket lining republicans?
Metrics and accountability – endangered fundamentals in this
new era of enlightenment.
** there is a helpful website that captures Mr. Obama’s
remaining time in office, to the second.
Interested? Please go to:
Too bad Kathy didn’t hire the techies who did this webpage to do hers. Short on time - just take a look at the graphic display in the upper right hand side of this page.
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