"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Friday, August 14, 2015

Pride before the fall

Old expression – Bible based – Proverbs 16:18 – “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”

While cavorting with his ancestors (well, half of them) in Africa the other week your president must have been feeling his oats because he was quoted as saying, ““Under our Constitution, I cannot run again.  I think if I ran, I could win.”
Now if you are or think you are a thinking American these few words, uttered by an American president in a land beset with wealthy, embedded dictators, kings and potentates has to qualify as one of the most incredibly arrogant and stupid remarks ever uttered by an American leader who claims to be the leader of democracy and democratic movements anywhere.
Or, you can just be charitable and write it off as youthful foolishness – pride; hubris seasoned with a strong sprinkling of arrogance and stupidity.
We are tempted to say – give it a go Barack.  Tell your harridan; your novitiate that you want to keep the job.  Why not?  You have not paid much attention to the constitution heretofore.  You have created a mess of lasting significance with no apparent solution other than free college, free health care, free abortions, free food and useless but free diplomacy for both our allies and our enemies.
Who is going to want to clean up this mess of yours?
Well, take a look at the candidates.  On your side – a woman who hides out in plain sight.  Refuses to take questions and when a few softballs are tossed, she smiles, grins and utters meaningless trite.  A socialist who must have a few screws loose because every time we seek just one example of a thriving, large example of socialism wonderment we always end up finding dust, despair and African style despots.
On the other side we have a collection of governors, senators and other statists who, for the most part, are part of the government can do it crowd.  The three who stand out – two business people and a doctor are usually dismissed in part because they are not part of or do not curtsy to the government gone wild crowd.  Go figure.
So, Mr. know-it-all; Mr. what constitution?, we say – give it a go.  We hope you studied some of your African government leaders and saw how they do it – how they govern for decades and we imagine you probably took note of the fancy dwellings they occupy and the vast wealth they have accumulated.  Clinton style.  Give it a go Barack.  Let’s see if you put your time and energy and money where your mouth is.


NDDillon said...

I would imagine Obama made his comment, because he knew it would get under the skin of people like you. Mission accomplished. My advice is to not take the matter as seriously as you did. You are letting Obama win.


I attribute these comments to arrogance, pride and hubris. In fact Bill Clinton said the same thing after his 8 years, and, sadly, both gasbags were probably right.
Thought process in action: the Halfrican is so arrogant that he cannot possibly hope that the Harridan is elected for fear that she will "improve" on his accomplishments and weaken his stature historically. Therefore, let's see if Biden the Speech Thief announces his candidacy and if the Halfrican endorses him.