"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Several recent assessments

Sometimes reading something in the press is top notch.  As you may know if you visit this website – we don’t think it happens often.

Well, we just read the following this morning and it is top notch.  Here is the link and we hope you can get it –

If this link doesn’t work here are a couple of other possibilities that may work for you:

·         Google –     daniel henninger trump      It came up for us by the title Trump’s A-Team

If you’ve got a moment you may wish to watch/listen to this man – Daniel Henninger – speak on Election Day and make a rather good/bold prediction:

And one last thing – here is a website that captures a number of the dopes who simply are clueless – but well paid media clowns.

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