"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Some thoughts about “what is going on?”

Pls keep in mind our above first three words – okay?

·         Debt and deficits – it appears America has joined the group of nations or whatever one calls them that simply print money to maintain some form of status for the dopey political idiots – call them as your please – a rather new and totally different basis of being than why we are here and what our good founding folks – mostly our brave young men who fought and died for this place
·         What does this mean?  What most likely will occur?  Well if you don’t know or don’t care or don’t think about it we have no interest in answering those questions for you because –  if you have studied history even occasionally or modestly you have an idea and if you watch the nonsense and listen to it (more below) coming from the media dopes of this day, well you should know
·         So now what?  Does the Donald know?  Does the Donald have a chance?  What is in store for the Donald?  Well now we get into the real realm of fiction and uncertainty – heck folks do we know?  Pls read on if interested.  We do think about it and then you perhaps can answer the question – do we know?
·         First we must speak briefly – why waste our time – about the incredibly ridiculous media in our beloved land by asking this simple question – how on earth did we end up with these nonsensical and simply #*&%(@ people?  (We regret mostly just in this one case/situation – our refusal to use needed but mostly four letter words when describing obvious ridiculousness).  Perhaps you have an answer to the question – how on earth did we end up with these nonsensical……
·         We don’t.  It actually terrifies us – not us as in this guy – but us as in his and others kids and grandkids – we owe them so much more when it simply comes to reality and history and just an even basic level of human being awareness and knowledge….
·         And folks we are simply discarding our responsibility to be adults who pass along a solid basis just as was passed along to us!
·         Back to the Donald and others – now what?
·         Well, we simply do not know.  He does not seek us out – does not share what may be going on as he ponders the next weeks – heck the next year or two.  We simply do not know.   But we worry for a couple of basic reasons or possibilities:
o   The Donald has dough – lots of dough – and most of us do not.  For those of us who worked hard – and for a fairly long time – put up with the bad and the good – we call it “life” – well we are okay.  Life expectancy will take care of us….
o   …but as we have said – we worry about our kids but mostly because our kids are older we worry about our grandkids and all their kids not even remotely planned or conceived or even being pondered now
o   In other words we worry about the future of the US of A
o   Our beloved country brought to us by simply many, many hard working regular folk who only sought one simple situation – get me/us away from the dopes who ran things for themselves
o   And that is simply how we close – these few brief words –
o   Please get us away from the dopes that run things for themselves
o   And this thought – too late?  Or not?

o   Enough for today…

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