"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

America and it growing “GAP’s”

We doubt that anyone will be surprised to learn that thefundamentals basic reason for lasting existence is a four letter word – DEBT – and its simple ongoing need of responsible borrowers repaying DEBT.  Folks, it simply ain’t happening!  Or put it this way – fatso attorneys litigating it and political piglets pretending it doesn’t even exist – well this guy doubts that those who gave a lot, or all, for America ever even pondered the possibility of this nonsense.

The best printable word we have to capture quickly the ridiculousness of those who line their pockets as our DEBT rises daily to new record levels is “nincomPOOPs” emphasis on four letters we can print that most of us flush daily.

If interested – we sure hope you are – read these or find some more on your own:
·         Here’s a report about payments to some we need:  https://www.medscape.com/slideshow/2018-compensation-overview-6009667
·         And then we offer this one – not because its pertinent – but rather just one more example of that which some of us, we the people, find worthwhile these days:  https://www.overlawyered.com/2016/08/professional-tcpa-plaintiff-35-cellphones/

The ease with which we target the 435/100/9 + 000,000’s more; those who don’t make or build – grow or harvest – teach or heal – fight and flush – and so forth is fairly well established.  But it misses the boat – for a very simple reason – we the people put up with it.  It's us – we the people – who are the GAP creators and one day we will be held GAP accountable in various historically repetitive ways.

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