"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Thursday, December 12, 2019

What is occurring in America today?

Our ongoing basis for existence – thefundamentals – is fairly consistent and in normal places like our home – our neighbors homes – actually most every home – is simple fundamentals...live within your means; care for others; pay your bills; obey the laws (yes, we know, this one is getting dopey and difficult and way beyond thefundamental of good behavior coupled with individual exceptionalism) and follow the top 10 (commandments); and one more simple basic thing – every penny you borrow you MUST BE PAID BACK ON TIME IN ACCORD WITH THE BORROWING AGREEMENT!

If you’re still here, pls reread thefundamentals separated above by semicolons…and know this….most all of the many many various forms of governments in America today SIMPLY ARE NOT DOING THEM.

We the people are now beset in very simple, costly situations.  Example pls:  this old  guy avoids watching tv programs that are paying people doing athletics – not growing or building or fixing; inventing, teaching, harvesting, healing or any of the other basics that are part of being a responsible educated working responsible homo sapiens (see above semicolon examples.)

So ask your self – self what is going on (really occurring) in America today? 

And here is our answer – we didn’t read the article, we heard about on the tv that was turned on in the background while writing these few words above – https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/11/gerrit-cole-agrees-to-historic-324-million-deal-with-yankees-reports.html

Folks we sure don’t know who or what Gerrit Cole is or why he got his “324 million deal with yankees…” – what we know is these guys below did more in their brief life for America than this guy writing these few words (i.e. thefundamentals) has done.   He also knows they didn’t get paid much did they? 

 Image result for american military cemetery pictures

We simply ask…what is really goin’ on in America today?

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