Folks we borrowed the several words above from…
The article is worth gettin’/accessin’/readin’! That’s simply how facts – fundamentals – are not only missin’ in most all media NOnSENSE today but how important the simple repetitive reality of history that’s now underway in this country we love so much…
… that we simply owed to our kids and their kids… is missin’!!
We simply ain’t doin’ it! Pls read these few added borrowed words:
“Beyond the numbers, the biggest difference between then and now is that in 1994 both parties worried about deficits and debt. Today, neither Democrats nor Republicans seem to care.”
We call the two party participants and many other hanger ons – nincomPOOPs. They simply smell to high heaven. Butt, ask yourself this question and answer it – who are our kids and their kids goin’ to hold accountable? Got a mirror?
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