"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

80 years ago…

I wasn’t yet conceived in the womb of a good woman 👩.  That event occurred several weeks after what occurred on this day 80 years ago.

These few words ain’t just about Pearl Harbor and the death of many good young American guys.  Nor about this gettin’ old ornery fella (goof) writin’ ‘em.

It’s about what’s miA… missin' in America… today.

In 60 of the last 80 years of America’s history we the people have left facts and fundamentals behind.

Here’s a  few…

Freedom ain’t about what someone else did to/for you or me or didn’t do…

It sure as all get out ain’t about what someone else owes (DEBT) you or me…

Or prints currency… creates “billionaires” and buys our vote or feeds our already overweight fat butt behinds.

Freedom's about responsibility.  I personally prefer the word… volunteerin'…

If you and me want to be free we simply gotta… VOLUNTEER.

And guess what folks… even that ain’t the complete answer butt folks it’s a beginning!  Today it’s mostly miA… 

… butt not elsewhere!

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