"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Monday, January 31, 2022

Attention answer providers…

... no, we don’t mean politicians, bureaucrats, media, attorneys, advertisers and others presently lovin’ America’s current materialism self destruction efforts at the same time as being overweight, overpaid and very low IQ’d nincomPOOPs… here’s our question:

What's the possibility… pls check the answer line below best answering this question… that America will survive as a free and responsible country of even some accomplishments as long as it continues to depend on NONREPAYABLE DEBT flowin’ 24/7 from its nonleadership buffoonery place… a capital abbreviated as DC… DEBT CAPITAL… of the world that feeds/pays fatsos we numerically describe as 435/100/9/1++++000,000’s more overpaid nonproductive nincomPOOPs (mostly attorneys, huh?)… or our (we the "free/responsible" people) history’s #1 buffoons of all time??

Survival possibility (let’s say over 27 years (2023 – 2050) in %’s...

__ 0 – 2%

__ 0 – 6%

__ 0 – 9%

__ 0 – 9.5%

And then my (getting’ old ornery fella… aka goof) favorite…

__ 0 – 0.01%

Yeah, my gamblin' instincts tell me… hey goof, put it some small possibility… who knows what others are”really” up to these days… tee hee hee...

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