"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Friday, June 28, 2024

The already large… growing gap… between freedom… responsibility… and Homo sapiens stupidity

All one need do is watch/listen/and realize the view of our very own 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, DC occupants we ID as #’s 45 and 46… to realize two simple fundamentals:

#1 – doesn’t matter if your claim to leadershit* is royalty… religion… ancestry… or just plain hard work and luck… at some point the #2 fundamental will overtake #1…

#2 – if we the people don’t limit the time… the pay… the power… the reality of controlling Homo sapiens ability to self elevate beyond all we know/see/experience/live/love… and claim… well, unless we’re at war… DC’s leadershit* role must be very brief… no pay… just volunteer.

America… the USA is simply experiencing Homo sapiens commitment to repeating our very own history’s stupidity… we’re travelin’ the path of Neanderthals… to self destruct ourselves in what’s the blink of Mother Nature’s eye!

Folks #46 ain’t up to the job… we’re politically leadershit* screwed… and history will simply say… we’re our enemy’s best friend!


* t… p… brief fundamental!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Will the media run debate focus on America’s #1 Q… our $64 TRILLION DOLLAR trip down ⬇ below?


TheFundamentals doesn’t mess around with the tiny crapola that now appears to be press finger pointing Neanderthal like stupidity.  DEBT matters, America!  Pls look to the top of this page and see/read the words shared by our top #1 military man.

He said those words in 2010; we owed about $14 TRILLION!  Now we owe almost $35 TRILLION!   Here’s the source:  https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-debt/

I’ll ask a $64.00 Q… is DOA… Debt… Obesity… Abortion… DC’s purpose of dead-end Neanderthal idiocy? 


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

DEBT v. The American Dream

TheFundamentals rejects unrepayable* DEBT.  As does the American dream.   That’s a fact Jack.

We don’t have much say about our concern for America… its decades of weak leadership… its addiction to materialism and DOA…




… do you?   We share a few fundamental facts of reality… uncertainty… that replace freedom and individual/community responsibility.

I’m an American since conception.   I love the America I was delivered in… thanks Mom.   She and others expect me and you to bring responsibility back… it’s long overdue!



* $___, 000,000,000,000.00’s

Materialism ($$$’s)… today V. Common Sense ($0.01’s) & Responsibility… tomorrow?

The 10 words up above are mostly the reason thefundamentals got underway in late May 1964.   I was in the Ann Arbor, MI coliseum; witnessed LBJ share his politician wet dream… a great society!   Today, it’s trillions of $$$’s of male Homo sapiens DC (Debt Capital) low IQ 🤖 idiocy !

Adult male wet dreams.  Today’s Artificial Intelligence AI 🤖…?

Are you gettin' why America’s enemy’s giggle behind closed doors, huh?   At our endless DC stupidity?

Just the facts ma’am!  How about  “… sudden and brutal“… https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-06-26/the-us-budget-deficit-is-huge-here-s-why-to-worry  or... https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pick-side-fight-keep-your-head-down-flee-ray-dalio-53fpe/?published=t


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

America… do we have a bubble*? If so, will it burst? When?

How does thefundamentals define a bubble*… huh?   We define a bubble* as *DOA:




Any of the above *DOA/materialism bubble* three destroy an irresponsible community!   That’s a fact, Jack!  These words are a wake-up America lesson taught... seldom learned!  *DOA addiction repeats Homo sapiens failures of history!

America... our wake-up alarm is blastin' 💥 loud and clear!

Saturday, June 1, 2024


* su·per·ca·li·fra·gil·is·tic·ex·pi·a·li·do·cious/ˌso͞opərˌkaləˌfrajəˌlistikˌekspēˌaləˈdōSHəs/

folks what would happen if donald t showed up next time at court and simply said… here’s my speech  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oodiusykf9U  seeking your vote and my apology for past misbehaviors… huh?

would anyone in the courtroom from the self elevated judge… the lower level jury… and then all the rest of us two legged homo sapiens have even a clue about what freedom requires?   why it’s disappearin’  🫠 🫥 miA… missin’ in America… huh?

btw… it’s addictive… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoqt1GIt8YU    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBn8gKG-obs   and then we come to #1… https://www.facebook.com/60ssaroundsoundsmusic/videos/824316378035858/

ps… its actually… factually… pretty basic… fundamental…  volunteerin’ and doin’ without…