"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Friday, June 28, 2024

The already large… growing gap… between freedom… responsibility… and Homo sapiens stupidity

All one need do is watch/listen/and realize the view of our very own 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, DC occupants we ID as #’s 45 and 46… to realize two simple fundamentals:

#1 – doesn’t matter if your claim to leadershit* is royalty… religion… ancestry… or just plain hard work and luck… at some point the #2 fundamental will overtake #1…

#2 – if we the people don’t limit the time… the pay… the power… the reality of controlling Homo sapiens ability to self elevate beyond all we know/see/experience/live/love… and claim… well, unless we’re at war… DC’s leadershit* role must be very brief… no pay… just volunteer.

America… the USA is simply experiencing Homo sapiens commitment to repeating our very own history’s stupidity… we’re travelin’ the path of Neanderthals… to self destruct ourselves in what’s the blink of Mother Nature’s eye!

Folks #46 ain’t up to the job… we’re politically leadershit* screwed… and history will simply say… we’re our enemy’s best friend!


* t… p… brief fundamental!

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