"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mr. Obama's Day

In the Emperor’s New Clothes the clever fools around the emperor talk him into parading around naked by telling him how wonderful he looks in his new outfit. The narcissistic emperor, of course, believes it and shows the world his shortcomings. Mr. Obama do you want to be a leader or do you want to be a fool?

The people around you are leading you down their destructive path and it does not lead to either change, transparency or accountability. You, Mr. Obama, are the all too willing follower. You are playing the fool. Today is your day.

Why would you send your Secretary of State to China to beg for money and then travel to London with a retinue that would shame an Arabian sheikh? Does it really take 200 secret service people running around London, whispering in their sleeves and hundreds of more bureaucrats to key an eye on you? Do you really need your own chef and kitchen staff? Who is paying for all your gang? The Chinese? Your country has no money. You and your predecessors have spent it all. Perhaps you should stay home, save money and do some more video or internet conferences. It’s easier to read from the teleprompter.

Look at the debt numbers to the left. Look at the horrific level of spending you are undertaking to “save the banks and the financial system.” Recognize these wasteful acts for what they are – the continued balloon blowing of a bloated, obese government that is so afraid of its own shadow that it engages in Cecil B. DeMille style productions to masquerade its insolvency.

Will you pass the hat at the conference? Ask for more money from others who see right through the Madoff like schemes you and your associates have foisted on the voters and the press? Do you really think the Germans would like to assist you in running the printing presses and distributing dollars to your faithful followers (Axelrod calls them voters.) They might have longer memories of such foolishness.

Why don’t you show them your budget deficit projections? Trillions of dollars to prop up public sector unions that serve the union and not the public. Trillions of dollars for silly education programs that prop up the NEA and AFT when the only solution is either school choice or privatization. Heaven forbid that teachers should either teach or be fired. Heaven forbid that they should work twelve months each year. Oh no. Run the presses. Big pensions for all. Inflate, inflate, inflate.

The old joke was the unemployed could always get a job where they either ask, “Would you like fries with that?” or “Paper or plastic?”

Here’s what frugal people all over the world want to know: “Borrow or Print?”

Which is it Mr. Obama? Borrow or Print?

Have a nice day. This one is named for you.


Anonymous said...

William Bennett wrote a book a few years a few yers ago " The Death of Outrage".

We have become so numb and apathetic to all of this, we are like neutered animals, steers instead of bulls, that we simply turn our effeminate heads away. Are we ever going to stand up like men again?

veronica said...

In piggy-backing onto the story theme, the rhetoric in this posting (and to some degree, the Bubble Machine postings) reminds me of an English rhyme.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the King's horses and all the King's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

It is all crumbling - everywhere - world wide. (Except maybe for some smaller countries in Central America who have managed to stay out of the fray.)

My take is that perhaps we shouldn't try to fix it. Should not ruin our health worrying about it. Let it crumble. Let's observe, do what's best for us, help friends if possible. Move cautiously, honker down. Pay attention, keep vigil and observe.

It is still crumbling. Let's see what's left and eventually, rebuild.

Build what you say?

Just something.

This current "crumble" has happened before - read history. It's always all about picking up the pieces and rebuilding. Rebuilding a "something" in the time you are given with the cards you've been dealt.

Take a look at your hand. What you got, what you gonna do?

My compliments to the Fundamentals for the posting. Keep them coming. As for me, I'll be intently observing the entire Cecil B. DeMille extravaganza.

And watching my hand.