"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Truth to Power

What an overused phase. Speaking truth to power. Well, here goes again.

Mr. Obama, the 600,000 jobs you “are saving” are not wealth creating/wealth producing jobs. They are wealth destroying jobs. The jobs you are “creating and saving” require wealth creation in order to be sustained. Government does not create wealth producing jobs. It can only help create an environment in which these good jobs are created. You and your ilk are not creating this environment.

All wealth creating jobs are associated with products and services that are subject to competition and quality comparisons as well as features and cost factors and all the other market based considerations that go into the decision making process of a buyer. You need to consider adding some regular people to your advisory staff. Regular people who have competed in the marketplace and have examined a competitors product or service and who have bid against other competing firms and who have struggled to make a payroll, or hire a good engineer or technician or attended a meeting with a disgruntled customer or worked late into the night completing the release of a new product. These tasks are not taught at Harvard Business School or Columbia Law. They are learned in the workplace and they are learned through mistakes and through the able and dedicated example setting of older, wiser employees and employers who care.

So, as you blunder through another “creating and savings jobs” exercise, know this: The US of A is in a death struggle with other countries and other workers and other companies who care little about your PR schemes and made for TV announcements and political shenanigans. These people are capturing the technical capability of producing high quality products and services with advanced processes and materials and selling them to markets around the world. They are not worried about whether a labor union will object to a wage cut or pension cut or factory closing or the manner in which a production line is diagramed.

All you have done is support non competitive voters in various union jobs around the country. You have provided UAW and AFSCME members with the false prophecy of your schemes. You have provided countless non productive bureaucrats and government employees of all forms with a few more paychecks. You continue to kick the can down the road. The destination is not hope; not audacity; not good times and, most certainly, not wealth creation.

You are wasting the public treasury for feel good schemes that will only accomplish the temporary fix of your limited objectives of “saving or creating jobs.” You need to stop wasting the public treasury and help America get back its competitive energy; its wealth creation machine and that means you need to embrace real change.

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