Below are the six largest and most active unions in the public employee union movement. We give you their web page references and encourage you to study their statements, positions and learn about their leaders and agendas. The comments in quotations are from their web pages. These unions are behind the Democratic Party. They are the financiers of the Democratic Party. And they are going to use every possible means to thwart the efforts in state capitols to balance budgets and limit union control over state services and employees. They see public workers, here and abroad, as their lifeline to the future as well as their ongoing opportunity to capture the taxpayer’s resources.
Everything they do and will do is going to be couched in the language of protecting the worker and protecting the lofty dreams of the labor movement. The national media will not challenge their activities; they will glorify them. And even if they receive temporary setbacks in some specific states they will never cease to work to regain the ground they have lost while building on their strongholds in states such as Illinois, New York and California. They care little about private sector workers who are not aligned with them. If you work in the private sector and you fail to recognize the sheer force; the magnitude; the perseverance and the breadth of their power, you will regret it.
If you want to know why most government, education and health care services cost so much, please read on. These outfits are not in the business of efficiency and increased productivity. And, if you can see through their highfalutin rhetoric about public service and increased student achievement and every other PR slogan known to man, dig into their websites and see how much regard they have for workers in the private sector. Determine for yourself how much of their focus is about their agenda versus the public they supposedly serve. They are neither charities nor churches. Dedicated people work at charities and churches to improve the human condition in every possible way. Public union organizers and leaders are first and foremost dedicated to their selfish demands. A true public servant does not need a union to pursue their mission. Frankly they would turn away from any such effort to advance union positions such as seniority and maximum benefits for reduced effort. How many innovations come from public employee unions? How many developing nations study public employee unions to learn productivity techniques? Technology advancement?
The union people will not go away. Ever. Just to contain them requires constant determination and vigilance. It took decades to get to the unfair, costly and insulated double standard system we now must dismantle. Please read on:
AFL – CIO “The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is a voluntary federation of 57 national and international labor unions. The AFL-CIO was created in 1955 by the merger of the AFL and the CIO. The AFL-CIO union movement represents 12.2 million members, including 3.2 million members in Working America, its community affiliate. We are teachers and miners, firefighters and farm workers, bakers and engineers, pilots and public employees, doctors and nurses, painters and plumbers—and more. In 2009, delegates to the 26th AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention elected Richard Trumka as president and Liz Shuler as secretary-treasurer. Arlene Holt Baker was re-elected as executive vice president.”
NEA “NEA also believes every student in America, regardless of family income or place of residence, deserves a quality education. In pursuing its mission, NEA has determined that we will focus the energy and resources of our 3.2 million members on improving the quality of teaching, increasing student achievement and making schools safer, better places to learn.” And some more. “For those educators looking for a little inspiration in the good fight to protect pensions, a little navel-gazing might be in order. Check out what’s happening in the smack-dab center of the United States. Pension protection in Kansas started years ago, when troubles with state pensions first began to rumble in neighboring states. At that point, leaders from Kansas National Education Association (KNEA) sat down with their counterparts at the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) to build a joint strategy.“It started with good people sitting down together, looking at each other and making a pact, saying we’re not going to hurt each other,” said Terry Forsyth, KNEA political director. That simple promise grew into a formal non-profit organization, “Keeping the Kansas Promise,” which represents more than 280,000 Kansans with public pensions, including teachers, firefighters and police officers. It is also part of a larger coalition, called “Kansas United,” which includes at least 29 unions working collaboratively to protect retirement benefits.”
More tomorrow --
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