"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Woman Comments on Mr. Obama

Many of you have seen Campbell Brown on news shows, reporting and offering commentaries on current and political matters.  She is thoughtful and, like most Americans, has the ability to listen to both sides of an issue and reach an independent conclusion.  She also has what we call, “fundamentals,” which is our convenient way of saying certain values that assist in her conclusion forming process.

Please read her recent comments on Mr. Obama here:  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/20/opinion/sunday/obama-condescending-to-women.html?_r=3&smid=tw-share  You can conclude for yourself if you agree with her or not.  But we would like to use the occasion of her comments in a major Hollywood media newspaper by asking you to spend a few minutes on one item referenced in her essay – Mr. Obama’s Web Ad, “The Life of Julia” which can be seen by going here:

We were directed to “The Life of Julia” two or three weeks ago and found it just plain “creepy.”  Frankly, it was in direct violation of the basic parental guidance of teaching youngsters about “stranger danger.”  It is also a very telling but uncomfortable insight into the thinking of both Mr. Obama and the people surrounding him and their predictable view of American women who they obviously think will vote for them as long as they have something to give to them.  They believe they are the “candy man.”  And they have something good to offer American girls/teenagers/women at every milestone in their lives.  Here is how they describe the goodies –

·         3 years old – head start program

·         17 years old – high school run under Obama’s “race to the top program

·         18 years old – college under Obama’s “American opportunity tax credit” program and receives a Pell grant

·         22 years old – first surgery, paid for because of Obamacare which lets “Julia”  stay on her parents health insurance until age 26

·         23 years old – first job protected by the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act – signed by Obama

·         25 years old – student loans are affordable because Obama kept her payments and interest rate low

·         27 years old – free birth control

·         31 years old – first child is now due, thanks to Obama.  All free.

·         37 years old – child/grandchild gets to go to good schools because Obama provided them

·         42 years old – child/grandchild wants to start a business and who is there to help?  Obama, of course, with his small business loans and his tax cuts

·         65 years old – ready to retire; gets Medicare and all the drugs she wants. Free, of course, from Obama

·         67 years old -  Obama’s social security payments awaiting her

Campbell Brown calls this a “silly and embarrassing caricature based on the assumption that women look to government at every meaningful phase of their lives for help.”

We call it what it is – a fellow at the end of the street, waiting in the car with the window down; waiting for your child to walk by and offer her some candy and, maybe, a ride to school or to the zoo or the park.

We call it sick.

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