"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Just the Facts, Ma’am – Federal Government Spending

We offer the following as a public service and a quick reference in case you are in a discussion with someone who expresses opinions and positions but has few or no facts. 

It is projected that the federal government will spend $3.8 trillion this year.  So, keep that number in mind – the cuts that are being implemented range in estimate from $40 - $80 billion or one to two percent.  For Oprah, a weight loss of 1 or 2% is either skipping a meal, a walk around the block or a teaspoon of milk of magnesia.

But, some are claiming that that one or two percent is Armageddon – makes you almost wish that the cuts were 21 or 22 percent just for the pure entertainment value.

Back to the numbers – Mr. Obama and his executive department and all the programs and goodies and subsidies and tax breaks and tax credits and all that obamacare (that’s his law to lower medical costs while expanding coverage) and social security and Janet Napolitano flying around the country in her private jet releasing the few illegal immigrants that were detained – it all adds up to $3.8 trillion dollars.

So what was it when Mr. Obama took office?  In 2008, Mr. Bush’s last year in office (here is a true dilemma – which is worse – Mr. Bush finally leaves office or Mr. Obama arrives in office?)  Bush and his gang spent $3.0 trillion - $800 billion less even though Bush had all his wars going full steam.  The deficit this year, 2013, is projected to be $900 billion which is just one reminder that the increase in spending under Mr. Obama accounts for almost the entire deficit – that’s a fact. 

More facts.  Do you remember Bill Clinton?  Just kidding.  In Bill’s last year in office – 2000, just before the dimwit, ‘er, we mean, the Bush kid, came on the scene, what do you think the federal government spent?  Compared with the $3.8 trillion this year and the $3 trillion in 2008 when the Bush kid was getting ready to leave town?  Just 13 years ago?  How much do you think the federal government spent on all those things described above?  Are you ready for this?


$1.8 trillion

Less than half as much - $1.8 trillion in 2000 compared with $3.8 trillion this year. One other way of looking at this situation – it took the federal government over 220 years to build its annual spending to $1.8 trillion and then it more than doubled that spending to $3.8 trillion in just the last 13 years.  Folks, that’s just plain nuts.

Scary isn’t it?  In 13 years, Bush and Obama have more than doubled federal government spending.  And a lot of that increase is on Bush’s watch – so let’s not ignore the shared responsibility for this mess.  And let’s not lose sight that this dramatic spending increase is also the source of all the clamoring by all the special interests who have grown accustomed to getting their piece of it.

In the last four years, Mr. Obama could have controlled that spending – all he had to do was do what he said he would do in the 2008 campaign – cut unnecessary spending; cut waste; make the government work and also implement two little things – a tax increase on the well to do matched with spending cuts as described above.  Had he done that – all would be well and his progressive/liberal agenda could live on and on.

Instead, he has done the opposite of what he said he would do and, in so doing, has guaranteed an end to his promiscuity – either via the people demanding fiscal and financial responsibility or the bond market – the lenders, imposing it.

We don’t need a revolution in America.  We need a reduction.  We need to go on a diet – it’s not just our waistlines that have doubled to an unhealthy size.  And an inch or two will not suffice – we need to lose a foot or two.  We are fat – obese – morbidly obese (see our next posting, please.)  The reason the America economy no longer works is because the American people no longer work.  We’re just too darn fat.

Those are the facts.  All of our numbers and facts are sourced at:  www.whitehouse.gov



1 comment:

NDDillon said...

The fact that expenditures have increased does not say much. Revenues have increased as well. Does that mean that government is doing a good job. If one looks at the Whitehouse.gov spreadsheet that you downloaded, it shows that the deficit has decreased from the last Bush budget, which was the 2009 year. Does that mean that Obama is being a good steward. The economy has grown from 2000 and the recession and military activities have caused various line items to increase. Does that get factored into your calculus? The deficit as a percentage of GDP has fallen each year and will continue to fall. Is there any evidence that privatization would save money? In the areas of greatest use, health costs in general v. Medicaid and private prisons v. government owned prisons, the results favor government running the programs.

The reality is that the conclusion does not follow. Looking at a data set showing expenses have increased does not mean anything. Apple's expenses increased during its great stock price run up, as have Google's. Privitization may work, but there is no reason given for what should be privatized or why.

Today the faulty logic really is disappointing.