"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

As Maine goes….

We use the first few words of the old saw – as Maine goes so goes the nation to head up this essay as a reminder that sometimes there can be a connection between what is happening to our entire country and what is going on within one state or, perhaps, a few.

What follows below is an informative chart of the bond ratings of the various 50 states from Standard and Poor’s over the period 2001 – 2012.  We offer this information for three reasons – one, informed Americans need to know and two, we doubt that you are going to get this information from a Hollywood media news report, even though we, at TheFundamentals, find this information of greater importance than news flashes about gay marriage, health care websites and government bureaucrats barricading public access to public owned facilities or propaganda pieces from Axelrod.  Here’s the chart:

There is a third reason why we offer this information – our president comes from Illinois.  He garnered his political  and governance education in Illinois.  Illinois is financially insolvent – they are not able to pay their current bills without borrowing money – meeting one of the key definitions of insolvency.  Several influential democrat party political powers are also from Illinois including senator Durbin, who has been a puppet for the Illinois (including Chicago and Cook county) machine politicians who have directed the Illinois bond rating collapse to the bottom of this chart.  It also is common knowledge that several California politicians exert great influence over fiscal matters in Washington DC.  They occupy the bottom rating of all 50 states.
These politicians do not concern themselves with bond ratings.  Obviously.  So the question we pose is this – as Illinois and California go, so goes the nation?
By the way, the hack politicians who ran Detroit into bankruptcy ignored bond ratings also.

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