"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

NATO crumbles – what difference does it make?

Pretty interesting watching a 70 year old alliance with a couple of really big accomplishments just blow away, in the wind, because the top member is simply not up to leading anymore.

This must be what Hillary had in mind with her dopey reset button with her Russian counterpart as she launched America on this concept of leading from behind.  Well, at least in Hillary’s case, nature and all those comfy meals on those private jets provided her with an ample cushion to “lead from behind.”
Now what?
NATO is going, going ……...
Russia is on a roll – the thug Putin has masterfully vanquished the community organizer from the south side of Chicago.  Surprise, surprise.
Oh golly gee, what should we bright Americans do?  We know what we can do.  Let’s give more money to the CIA and the NSA and the FBI and Homeland Security, huh?  Surely, they need more money because not a one of them had a clue about what was going on or what might happen or what we could/should do if the Russians did do something.  More money – maybe a bigger contract with one of their unions, huh?  That would help.  Maybe a big pay raise, huh?  Bigger bonuses.  Raise their pensions.  Can’t give them many more days off – after all, they have had weeks of snow days just this winter.  Can’t expect them to work when it’s snowing can we?
On the other hand, maybe it makes sense to insist on some credentials in some form of competitive arena for one to advance to high office, huh?  Nah.
We’ve got Hillary in the wings, Barack filling out his brackets for the upcoming basketball tournament and Joe Biden soul searching – oh, should I or shouldn’t I?
Not a gram of spine or cojones in the gang.
Now what?
Russia dominates Europe – China dominates Asia – what’s left over for us?
More illegal immigrants and more dependents of illegal immigrants who have gained citizenship or, at least, legal status.
Give ‘em the vote (well, what we really mean is buy their votes, just vote for us Democrats; we’ll make it worth your while.)  Most, of those immigrants, maybe not a one, ever heard of NATO.  What’s the big deal?  Or, as Ole Hil’ would say, “What difference does it make?”


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