"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Easy Addiction Solution Years (EASY)

Voters are addicted; more than half of them.

The entire Democrat party and its union masters – full blown 24/7 addiction.  They and tens of millions of government employees have an advanced case of EASY.  Started in the 1960’s.  The years have become decades.
Many Republicans – closet addicts – many others out of the closet – all EASY addicts.
Washington DC is addiction central – ground zero for the EASY epidemic – but all across America, in large cities and state capitols – EASY addicts are running governments.
What are they addicted to?
EASY solution substances.  We list many of the substances of choice:
·         Borrowed money.  Yes, we have been addicted to this EASY solution for some time now but, and this is a big but, after a while lenders get leery which leads us to….

·         ….Printed US fiat currency – until 10 years ago, this substance was not available in America.  You had to travel to distant spots – Brazil, Somalia, Venezuela, Timbuktu and Argentina to get a fix.  No more.  Legal in Washington – widely available in all 50 states.  No prescription required. 

·         Low interest rates.  Occasionally used by some in the past – now available anywhere except the following locations:
o   Your friendly neighborhood bank/credit card issuer
o   Your friendly neighborhood juice loan provider

·         Extended unemployment benefits – available only from the feds.  A guaranteed solution if a society seeks to embed a large portion of their working age population in leisure pursuits.  This substance has had remarkable results in expanding the leisure class.

·         Marijuana.  Only makes sense.  Something to occupy the time of all the slackers that the extended unemployment EASY solutions create.

·         Rising minimum wages.  This is one of our favorite EASY solutions.  Very much in vogue today.  TheFundamentals has encouraged the comprehensive and extended implementation of this solution.  Why stop at $10.00 or $15.00 per hour.  Go directly to $25.00 or $30.00.  This addiction has a wonderful unintended consequence – it will go a long way in eliminating the hideous display of fast food outlets, their unattractive signage and their debris scattered around our neighborhoods.   How about an $8.00 slider?

·         Affordable health care for all.  Just pass a law – make it confusing but include some EASY solutions such as:
o   Kids can stay, live off and bug their parents into their mid 20’s (extra credit:  name one other species where the parents do things to encourage their young to hang around the nest)

o   Everyone gets free care except those who work – they must buy it (this addiction comes from the EASY addiction rationale described above for “extended unemployment benefits”)

o   Free contraception for the gals – free abortions if they just didn’t have the time or interest to use it before that “magic moment.”   Can anyone think of any downside to a government policy that implements this “EASY solution” for all its young women of child bearing age?

·         Lawsuits.  For any reason.   Make them EASY to file and don’t hold the filing party responsible if their suit is unfounded.  Fill the airwaves with ambulance chasing attorneys pleading to come on in – no charge – tell us your story – let’s get some money.  Attorneys know they can scare the defending party into settling – this is one of America’s great, ongoing, EASY solutions.  Just pump out hundreds of thousands of lawyers with nothing to do but file lawsuits.  The rest of the world has done away with this addiction – America has expanded it.
America is addicted to EASY substance solutions.  Once you get addicted to EASY solutions, the world is your oyster.  We wonder if Obamacare covers treatment for this addiction?
What happens when America runs out of EASY solutions?    Should we talk about that?

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